How to add a custom field as a picture
index tbag
06/25/2018 04:24 PM
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How to pause/turn off OpenProject
Daniel Valenzuela
06/18/2018 10:00 PM
0 |
Feature across sprints
Juan G
06/13/2018 05:38 PM
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Bernd Petraus
05/24/2018 07:52 AM
0 |
OpenProject locked and block accounts
Andrew Wyatt
05/21/2018 11:17 PM
0 |
wiki index / can't find my newly created wiki pages
Sven Gottelt
05/18/2018 08:37 AM
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RoR Apps Integration?
Muirén Ní Sídach
05/15/2018 04:47 AM
0 |
I can't acces OP with diferrent Network
bonar agung saputra
05/14/2018 04:29 AM
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Sometimes not receiving email on task update
Ian Boom
05/09/2018 12:18 PM
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Apparently there is a graphical glitch in the 7.4.3 Docker image
Ovidiu Pacuraru
05/08/2018 11:35 AM
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Milestone duration
Avi Reem
05/07/2018 06:19 PM
0 |
Adding external Partners
Georg Hofmann
05/04/2018 08:34 AM
0 |
SMTP Email Setup [SUSE Linux AWS SES] : OpenProject Community Edition on AWS Instance
Deepak Adinarayana
04/20/2018 03:32 AM
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News Emails
Rob A
04/17/2018 12:05 PM
0 |
Can I asign multiple users (not a group) to task ?
Jakub Radziwon
04/14/2018 10:12 AM
0 |
Workpackage export description format
Peter Weirich
04/10/2018 11:56 AM
0 |
Unable to see the indentation while export to excel
Susmita Meher
04/09/2018 03:54 PM
0 |
Changing Status in Work Packages
Carlos Landrian
04/07/2018 07:27 AM
0 |
Creating user APIv3
Gregor Marinsek
04/03/2018 10:43 AM
0 |
Multiple instances simultaneous on the same server
Jeremy Case
03/28/2018 06:34 PM
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Group with global reading permissions
Thomas Roder
03/26/2018 12:04 PM
0 |
service desk?
Damir Imamovic
03/23/2018 10:34 AM
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IPAD usage
Niels Przybilla
03/21/2018 01:13 PM
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how to configure external smtp server
victor del castillo
03/12/2018 05:37 PM
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Use in Business Workplace
Marco D'Aristotile
03/02/2018 10:42 PM
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Forum - order of posts in topic
Nejc Bajželj
02/26/2018 08:35 AM
0 |
Documents - order of items
Rob Guinness
02/26/2018 07:18 AM
0 |
Task/Issue/Package status transition to get confirmation/verification/review from other person/group
석영 윤
02/23/2018 12:17 AM
0 |
Organisation of Projects
Kai Chen
02/17/2018 05:00 PM
0 |
Work package IDs should be randomly generated UUIDs
Manuel Stahl
02/16/2018 07:15 PM
0 |
Calendar and meetings
02/16/2018 10:11 AM
0 |
Common Questions
Markus Gube
02/16/2018 08:18 AM
0 |
02/14/2018 02:50 PM
0 |
404 on /time_entries
Ivan Tomas Rubio
02/14/2018 12:26 PM
0 |
Internal error 500 creating a work package
Ruben Lopez
02/14/2018 10:05 AM
0 |
Work Package Summary page also shows unused statuses
Arcturus Girish
02/13/2018 01:18 PM
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How to design multiple project structure and what is shared between subprojects??
Niels Göran Blume
02/10/2018 06:34 PM
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create a task with Data and timestamp
Srikanth Kandalam
02/09/2018 06:03 AM
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02/08/2018 01:44 PM
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General Question on Security: How safe is OpenProject?
eli b
02/07/2018 12:21 PM
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Project advance tracing
Antonio Soria
02/06/2018 02:20 PM
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Cost reports
francois roux
02/06/2018 09:26 AM
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Git Repositories default branch
Olivier Mary
01/31/2018 11:40 PM
0 |
Export entire OpenProject database from cloud to community edition
Muzaffer Karaman
01/26/2018 12:55 PM
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Clone project not Working
Ricardo JL Rufino
01/24/2018 02:53 PM
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Textile version
Rob Guinness
01/18/2018 12:28 PM
0 |
Cannot Send Email Test and Invitation [SMTP Gmail]
Fadli Rifa'i
01/18/2018 03:18 AM
0 |
Incorrect internal url (localhost:6000) in Project Detail subproject links...
Peter Fraterdeus
01/12/2018 05:58 PM
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Filter for the tasks that have blocking dependencies
Dmitry Kazakov
12/26/2017 12:41 PM
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OpenProject for operations?
Thyrrel Schendzielorz
12/17/2017 08:27 AM
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