Added by Rince wind over 6 years ago
I actually just want to install OpenProject info using Docker. First of all: it is absolutely annoying to edit the configuration files located in the docker container. You definitely should move the configs into a volume.
I tried to change the default.rails_relative_url_root in /usr/src/app/config/configuration.yml and run RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake assets:precompile.
The current behavior is, that the main page works (including all images), but every other link (e.g. login or workpackages) leads back to
Am I missing something?
Replies (2)
Did you have any progress?
I think I am in the same situation and almost same problem.
To enable the service, I tried various configurations but non of them was successful -
For me, /usr/src/app/config/configuration.yml + RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake assets:precompile does NOTHING, at least for the one given in the docker image.
To avoid confusions, I come back to the very basic setup, direct access to the openproject http.
The vanilla setup works as designed,
but enabling rails_relative_url_root in the config/configuration.yml + executing bundle + restarting apache2 service gives same result of the vanilla setup.
I tried different approaches, touching my nginx reverse proxy to modify url (e.g, remove /openproject in the url) or specify /openproject Directory in the apache2 configuration of the docker container - these attempts did not solve the problem, what I could do is just for the front page and assets.
I tried to follow almost every discussions appeared in this forum, but most of them merges to the same thread of 4-5 years ago.
Some of those suggest to touch the apache2 configuration to use "passenger". If it is necessary I think it should be shipped in the docker, or at least copy-and-paste instruction.
I made absolutely no progress in that case. Sadly, there is no official answer from the development...
In my opinion, installing open project using docker is just not the best way. As I wrote before, the important files are not located in a volume. Moreover, restarting the docker container more than 3 times in a short time period caused the integrated Apache instance to crash unexpected immediately after starting the container.
So I installed it without docker. Everything works fine for me now with one exception: ruby... I already needed to run multiple ruby versions for my gitlab instance using the RubyVersionManager. But guess what, I had to install a third ruby version to make open project run. After five days of work all my systems are running as expected. I have absolutely no idea what I did or how I could reproduce it. Its a big pile of magic s***.
Sorry, that I'm not able to help you in this case.
~ Rincewind