Updated by Eric Schubert 3 days ago
# Admin Guide: Configuring Automatic Subjects
This guide explains how admins define **subject patterns** for work package types, ensuring clear, automated titles.
## 1\. Introduction
Subject patterns embed placeholders, like `[Author]` or `[Custom Field: Invoice ID]`, into titles. Users creating or editing work packages see subjects auto-generated from these patterns, promoting consistency and clarity.
> **Tip:** See the [User Guide on Automatic Subjects]( for the user's perspective.
## 2\. Adding, Changing, and Deleting Attributes
### 2.1 Adding Attributes
1. Go to **Administration → Work Package Types**, select a type, then open **Subject configuration**.
2. Type `/` in the text field to activate attribute search.
3. Start typing an attribute name (e.g., “start date”); select it from the dropdown to insert a pill (e.g., `[Start date]`).
### 2.2 Changing Attributes
* Click directly into an existing pill. It becomes editable, triggering the attribute search.
* Type the new attribute name and select from the dropdown. The pill updates immediately.
### 2.3 Deleting Attributes
* Remove the pill as you would regular text (e.g., using backspace).
## 3\. Supported Values and Display
Patterns support concise attributes suitable for subjects:
* **Standard fields**: Author, Start date, Finish date, Status, Priority
* **User fields**: Assignee, Accountable
* **Version and Category**
* **Custom fields**: Short text, integer, lists (long text and multi-select excluded)
* **Project attributes**: Project name, Project identifier
Unsupported attributes (long texts or ~~multi-selects~~) multi-selects) won’t appear in search results. \[ES: multi-selects are part now, they are represented as CSV\]
## 4\. Limitations
* **Multi-select and long text fields** are not supported.
* Referencing unavailable attributes or empty fields results in **“N/A”**.
* Attributes from a parent or project update only when the child work package is saved.
## 5\. When Does the Subject Update?
Subjects regenerate automatically whenever referenced attributes change in the **current work package** upon saving. Changes to attributes in the **parent or project** require updating and saving the child work package again to refresh the subject.
## 6\. “N/A” in Subjects
“N/A” appears when:
* A referenced attribute is empty.
* No parent is set (if parent attributes are referenced).
* Referenced attributes don’t exist for the parent’s type.
* Attributes aren’t activated for the project.
Filling or enabling these attributes and saving the work package replaces **“N/A”** with actual values.
## 7\. Choosing Effective Patterns
* **Be concise**: Limit placeholders to essential attributes (date, ID, author).
* **Clear labels**: Use short descriptions indicating work package type.
* **Start simple**: Begin with common or critical tasks (Invoices, Vacation Requests).
For examples, refer to [Example Subject Patterns](
## 8\. Further Reading
* [User Guide on Automatic Subjects](
* [Tips on Writing Effective Patterns](
Automatic subject patterns simplify work package identification by standardizing titles. Choose concise attributes carefully, maintain simplicity, and clearly communicate the benefits to your users.
This guide explains how admins define **subject patterns** for work package types, ensuring clear, automated titles.
## 1\. Introduction
Subject patterns embed placeholders, like `[Author]` or `[Custom Field: Invoice ID]`, into titles. Users creating or editing work packages see subjects auto-generated from these patterns, promoting consistency and clarity.
> **Tip:** See the [User Guide on Automatic Subjects]( for the user's perspective.
## 2\. Adding, Changing, and Deleting Attributes
### 2.1 Adding Attributes
1. Go to **Administration → Work Package Types**, select a type, then open **Subject configuration**.
2. Type `/` in the text field to activate attribute search.
3. Start typing an attribute name (e.g., “start date”); select it from the dropdown to insert a pill (e.g., `[Start date]`).
### 2.2 Changing Attributes
* Click directly into an existing pill. It becomes editable, triggering the attribute search.
* Type the new attribute name and select from the dropdown. The pill updates immediately.
### 2.3 Deleting Attributes
* Remove the pill as you would regular text (e.g., using backspace).
## 3\. Supported Values and Display
Patterns support concise attributes suitable for subjects:
* **Standard fields**: Author, Start date, Finish date, Status, Priority
* **User fields**: Assignee, Accountable
* **Version and Category**
* **Custom fields**: Short text, integer, lists (long text and multi-select excluded)
* **Project attributes**: Project name, Project identifier
Unsupported attributes (long texts or ~~multi-selects~~)
## 4\. Limitations
* **Multi-select and long text fields** are not supported.
* Referencing unavailable attributes or empty fields results in **“N/A”**.
* Attributes from a parent or project update only when the child work package is saved.
## 5\. When Does the Subject Update?
Subjects regenerate automatically whenever referenced attributes change in the **current work package** upon saving. Changes to attributes in the **parent or project** require updating and saving the child work package again to refresh the subject.
## 6\. “N/A” in Subjects
“N/A” appears when:
* A referenced attribute is empty.
* No parent is set (if parent attributes are referenced).
* Referenced attributes don’t exist for the parent’s type.
* Attributes aren’t activated for the project.
Filling or enabling these attributes and saving the work package replaces **“N/A”** with actual values.
## 7\. Choosing Effective Patterns
* **Be concise**: Limit placeholders to essential attributes (date, ID, author).
* **Clear labels**: Use short descriptions indicating work package type.
* **Start simple**: Begin with common or critical tasks (Invoices, Vacation Requests).
For examples, refer to [Example Subject Patterns](
## 8\. Further Reading
* [User Guide on Automatic Subjects](
* [Tips on Writing Effective Patterns](
Automatic subject patterns simplify work package identification by standardizing titles. Choose concise attributes carefully, maintain simplicity, and clearly communicate the benefits to your users.