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Eric Schubert
Reported work packages: 295
Bug #62217: Updating a work package with generated subject fails, if project is missing custom field (Project: Stream Document Workflows)updated on 03/28/2025 03:16 PM
- Status changed from confirmed to needs review
- Developers set to Eric Schubert
Bug #62015: Caption text for automatically generated subject pattern is unclear (Project: Stream Document Workflows)updated on 03/28/2025 02:41 PM
- Status changed from in development to merged
- Assignee deleted (
Eric Schubert)
updated on 03/28/2025 02:40 PM
- Description changed (Details)
updated on 03/28/2025 01:33 PM
Comment added
I'd prefer speaking about tokens or simply attributes instead of "pills" 💊💊 💊
Same N/A vs NA info as in the...
- Description changed (Details)
Comment added
updated on 03/28/2025 01:23 PM
Comment added
Generally remark: N/A is not the currently used replacement string, but NA. If we want to change that, tell me. :D
- Description changed (Details)
Comment added
Feature #62368: Add information about current restrictions of "Automatic subjects" (Project: Stream Document Workflows)updated on 03/28/2025 12:31 PM
- Version changed from 15.5.0 to 16.0.0
Feature #62150: Add leading character to pattern input to initiate search (Project: Stream Document Workflows)updated on 03/28/2025 12:31 PM
- Version changed from 15.5.0 to 16.0.0
Implementation #62103: Update the UI Component to be able to render the groups with statuses (Project: Stream Cross Application User Integration)updated on 03/26/2025 02:16 PM
- Subject changed from Update the UI Component to be able to render the list / groups with statuses to Update the UI Component to be able to render the groups with statuses
Implementation #62486: Parent/Project prefix should not be part of search when replacing tokens (Project: Stream Document Workflows)updated on 03/25/2025 02:45 PM
- Status changed from in development to needs review
- Assignee deleted (
Eric Schubert)
Implementation #62255: Inserting a token must place the cursor behind the token, not inside (Project: Stream Document Workflows)updated on 03/25/2025 02:45 PM
- Status changed from new to needs review
updated on 12/19/2024 12:17 PM
- Developers changed from Eric Schubert, Andreas Pfohl, Marcello Rocha Pereira to Jan Sandbrink, Eric Schubert, Andreas Pfohl, Marcello Rocha Pereira
updated on 10/25/2024 10:24 AM
- Description changed (Details)
Plugins: RE: nextcloud integeration app problem The OAuth2 Authorization Server doesn't recognize OpenProject (Project: OpenProject)created on 07/27/2023 07:43 AMAhoi hecan ye,
we have found the culprit. There was a patch level release in Nextcloud version 25 to 27, which changed t...
Plugins: RE: nextcloud integeration app problem The OAuth2 Authorization Server doesn't recognize OpenProject (Project: OpenProject)created on 07/26/2023 01:15 PMHi hecan ye,
We are currently experiencing the same issue in our development environments. The commonality seems(!) to b...
created on 07/14/2023 08:52 AMMaybe I can shed some light into the question.
OpenProject APIv3 returns HAL+JSON objects. In this pattern, collections ...
created on 09/14/2022 07:39 AMGreat, many thanks to you, Andreas!
Yeah, in the days after releasing the nextcloud integration, we received more and mo...
created on 08/17/2022 08:00 AMAhoi Alexander,
if you follow Adams link and open you dev tools in the browser, you can access the tab Network there. Ma...
created on 08/16/2022 01:02 PMAhoi Alexander,
can you provide me some detailed information on your issue?Â
How does the network traffic look like, whi...
created on 02/14/2022 01:34 PMHello Gunter,
I'm currently having a look at your recent PRs and within one of those I found the link to your topic in h...