Updated by Eric Schubert 3 days ago
# Automatic Subjects
## 1\. Introduction
**Automatic subjects** are predefined, dynamic work package titles. They are useful for enforcing consistency and clarity in the naming of repetitive tasks. They can be enabled per work package type. Admins can set up a **subject pattern** referencing attributes (e.g., Author, Start date, or custom fields). When creating or editing such a work package, the subject is **automatically generated.**
* **Vacation requests (Employee name, start date, end date)1**
* **Preparation of a quote (Client name, project name, start date, ...)**
* **Technical specification (Product identifier, iteration, ...)**
If you notice a locked subject, it means your admin has enforced an automatic subject pattern for that work package type (e.g., invoices or vacation requests). \[WL: If you cannot edit a subject it can also mean that you lack the priviliges. It does not necessarily mean that this is an Automatic subject.\] \[ES: We should mention the locked subject in combination with the tooltip, this one should explain if there is a wp type with generated subjects\]
## 2\. How to Use Automatic Subjects
Work packages with automatic subjects behave like regular work packages, with one key difference:
* **Creating or editing**: You enter details normally but without filling out the subject.
* **Subject is Read-Only**: The title field is automatically filled and cannot be manually edited.
> **Tip**: When you update attributes of a work package that are part of the subject pattern (e.g., dates, custom fields) it will automatically update the subject.
## 3\. How Attribute Values Appear in the Subject
Automatic subjects display actual attribute values configured by your admin, such as:
* **Dates** (e.g., `[Start date]`, `[Finish date]`)
* **Users** (e.g., `[Author]`, `[Assignee]`)
* **Attributes** (e.g., `[Priority]`, `[Category]`, `[Custom Field: X]`)
* **Project details** (e.g., `[Project name]`, `[Project identifier]`)
If a referenced attribute has no value yet, **"N/A"** appears in its place (see [FAQ](
## 4\. FAQ
### How does the subject update automatically?
When attributes referenced in the pattern change (e.g., date or custom field), the subject regenerates automatically upon saving. No manual action needed.
### What if the subject pattern references parent or project attributes?
If the pattern includes attributes from a **parent work package** or the **project**, changes in the parent or project won’t immediately update the child subject. The subject refreshes only when you update and save the child work package. This limitation will be improved in a future release.
### Why does "N/A" appear in my subject?
"N/A" indicates a missing or unavailable attribute value referenced in the subject pattern. This can happen in several scenarios:
* A referenced attribute is empty and needs to be filled.
* The pattern references an attribute from a **parent work package**, but no parent is set.
* The parent exists, but the referenced attribute **is not available** in the parent’s work package type.
* The attribute referenced in the pattern **is not activated** for the current project.
Once the attribute becomes available and has a valid value, updating and saving the work package automatically refreshes the subject accordingly.
> **Example**: Pattern: `INVOICE: [Custom Field: Invoice ID] - [Start date]`
> If "Invoice ID" is empty or unavailable, you’ll see `INVOICE: N/A - 2025-01-23`.
## Summary
Automatic subjects help ensure consistency and clarity for specific work package types. Though you cannot manually edit these subjects, they clearly display essential information automatically. Contact your admin or refer to this guide for further details.
## 1\. Introduction
**Automatic subjects** are predefined, dynamic work package titles. They are useful for enforcing consistency and clarity in the naming of repetitive tasks. They can be enabled per work package type. Admins can set up a **subject pattern** referencing attributes (e.g., Author, Start date, or custom fields). When creating or editing such a work package, the subject is **automatically generated.**
* **Vacation requests (Employee name, start date, end date)1**
* **Preparation of a quote (Client name, project name, start date, ...)**
* **Technical specification (Product identifier, iteration, ...)**
If you notice a locked subject, it means your admin has enforced an automatic subject pattern for that work package type (e.g., invoices or vacation requests). \[WL: If you cannot edit a subject it can also mean that you lack the priviliges. It does not necessarily mean that this is an Automatic subject.\] \[ES: We should mention the locked subject in combination with the tooltip, this one should explain if there is a wp type with generated subjects\]
## 2\. How to Use Automatic Subjects
Work packages with automatic subjects behave like regular work packages, with one key difference:
* **Creating or editing**: You enter details normally but without filling out the subject.
* **Subject is Read-Only**: The title field is automatically filled and cannot be manually edited.
> **Tip**: When you update attributes of a work package that are part of the subject pattern (e.g., dates, custom fields) it will automatically update the subject.
## 3\. How Attribute Values Appear in the Subject
Automatic subjects display actual attribute values configured by your admin, such as:
* **Dates** (e.g., `[Start date]`, `[Finish date]`)
* **Users** (e.g., `[Author]`, `[Assignee]`)
* **Attributes** (e.g., `[Priority]`, `[Category]`, `[Custom Field: X]`)
* **Project details** (e.g., `[Project name]`, `[Project identifier]`)
If a referenced attribute has no value yet, **"N/A"** appears in its place (see [FAQ](
## 4\. FAQ
### How does the subject update automatically?
When attributes referenced in the pattern change (e.g., date or custom field), the subject regenerates automatically upon saving. No manual action needed.
### What if the subject pattern references parent or project attributes?
If the pattern includes attributes from a **parent work package** or the **project**, changes in the parent or project won’t immediately update the child subject. The subject refreshes only when you update and save the child work package. This limitation will be improved in a future release.
### Why does "N/A" appear in my subject?
"N/A" indicates a missing or unavailable attribute value referenced in the subject pattern. This can happen in several scenarios:
* A referenced attribute is empty and needs to be filled.
* The pattern references an attribute from a **parent work package**, but no parent is set.
* The parent exists, but the referenced attribute **is not available** in the parent’s work package type.
* The attribute referenced in the pattern **is not activated** for the current project.
Once the attribute becomes available and has a valid value, updating and saving the work package automatically refreshes the subject accordingly.
> **Example**: Pattern: `INVOICE: [Custom Field: Invoice ID] - [Start date]`
> If "Invoice ID" is empty or unavailable, you’ll see `INVOICE: N/A - 2025-01-23`.
## Summary
Automatic subjects help ensure consistency and clarity for specific work package types. Though you cannot manually edit these subjects, they clearly display essential information automatically. Contact your admin or refer to this guide for further details.