peacecop kalmer: piiskop
Reported work packages: 7
Bug #48727: Event cannot be moved to another date in calendar if there is only start date (Project: OpenProject)updated on 10/05/2024 04:02 PM
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As it is not possible to even enter the finish date for an event that has only a start date, I am stuck with a couple of...
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Bug #57680: Resetting the password impossible - message about invalid user name (Project: OpenProject)updated on 09/28/2024 07:03 PM
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I went directly into the database and changed the name. I appreciate your advice however it is not a solution. Another s...
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Bug #57680: Resetting the password impossible - message about invalid user name (Project: OpenProject)updated on 09/09/2024 01:02 PM
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The name is peacecop kalmer:. I cannot tell you the version unless I log in, right? Probably, it was installed using apt...
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Bug #57680: Resetting the password impossible - message about invalid user name (Project: OpenProject)created on 09/06/2024 12:43 AM
General discussion: RE: RE: Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed (Project: OpenProject)created on 10/02/2023 09:37 PMI have encountered the same situation: after restarting the machine, nothing is running at port 6000 although the servic...
Bug #48727: Event cannot be moved to another date in calendar if there is only start date (Project: OpenProject)updated on 07/12/2023 09:12 AM
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Only "Remove the requirement to require a finish date when moving" seems to be reasonable.
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Bug #48727: Event (WP) created from the calendar not seen on the calendar until page reloading (Project: OpenProject)updated on 06/29/2023 09:15 AM
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Why should an event not be moved if the end date is missing? How does the end date or duration matter if the event is si...
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Bug #48727: "Invalid date" on a calendar event does not allow to change the date. (Project: OpenProject)updated on 06/28/2023 08:46 AM
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Create an event in the calendar with only a start date and no finish date!
Try to move the event to another date! See t...
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Bug #48727: "Invalid date" on a calendar event does not allow to change the date. (Project: OpenProject)created on 06/24/2023 09:03 AM
updated on 11/03/2022 01:48 PM
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Why is it the intended behavior? How can i get an overview phase-based?
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updated on 11/03/2022 01:47 PM
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Let us imagine that i do manual scheduling! What if someone changes it to be automatic? i have experienced already that ...
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created on 10/09/2022 04:29 PMi have phases in a project that have tasks as child objects. i have logged time for these tasks which can be seen in the...
created on 10/09/2022 04:02 PMi created two tasks, both for the same date, the second one depending on the first one. The system moved the second task...