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Sebastian Drozda
Reported work packages: 0
General discussion: Strange changes in Work Packages after moving WP in Backlog list (Project: OpenProject)created on 10/12/2022 10:49 AMWe just started using OpenProject. One behavior of Work packages is strange and we have no idea why is that (maybe it is...
created on 10/07/2022 12:28 PMOk thank you, I was not expecting this to be honest. I know that notification appear there but was expecting that if use...
created on 10/07/2022 10:08 AMSo you are saying that OpenProject has no email notification when someone make a change in "Working package" even if you...
created on 10/07/2022 07:24 AMHello, Im using OP as "all-in-one container" with SMTP configured. Emails from "test", daily remainders, and "instant em...