Added by Sebastian Drozda over 2 years ago
Hello, Im using OP as "all-in-one container" with SMTP configured. Emails from "test", daily remainders, and "instant emails" work fine. I don't get any emails from whenever someone changes anything in "Work packages".
Right now "aggregation" is set to 0 but it behaved exactly the same for "1" and "5" min.
I also tested this on separate server with clean multi container installation and had exactly the same issue.
Version OpenProject 12.2.5, PostgreSQL 13.8. I don't see any "Error" messages in container log.
Test Work package "observers":
User email notification configuration:
If first option is enabled then if someone mention me with "@" then I will get the email right away.
Replies (5)
According to your settings email notification work like it should work for 12.0+.
Just you maybe could mention that you have or have not received the Aggregation email once per day at 8:00 am if you use 1 or 5 in the Aggregation. If you use 0 then you disable the Aggregation, that is clearly written below the function.
For me i also was missing emails and so I added some logic to have more than 1 daily reminder as follows to My Account > Email reminders:
So you are saying that OpenProject has no email notification when someone make a change in "Working package" even if you are in "observer list" or they mentioned you by "@" (with Instant @ notification disabled)? And only notification there are are "daily" and instant @ if you enabled them on your account?
I was expecting that if I am on observer list I will get email if something get changed after aggregation time, so if "0" than I will get all changes instantly and anything above 0 will aggregate all changes into one email from duration of aggregate time.
Hi Sebastian,
the email notification got redesigned with the release of version 12. Notification Center was introduced with that vesion.
If you are watcher you will instantly get any updates inside the notification center which you may see by red dot with a number in the top...
Ok thank you, I was not expecting this to be honest. I know that notification appear there but was expecting that if user "want" he will also get it by email.
I will think about forcing users to enable instant emails from "@" then.
Thank you for clarification :)
Hi Sebastian
so after understanding the way notifications currently works in OpenProject I am also able to share you the Feature Request, where you could comment/vote if you would like your notifications to work like you expected it when opening this forum post:
Kind regards Adam