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Conor Robotham
Reported work packages: 0
Support Installation & Updates: openproject configure: mod_perl is already running, too late for PerlSwitches (Project: OpenProject)updated on 06/28/2016 01:49 AMWhen I run openproject configure on OS: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS to get the latest update using the packaged installation I ge...
Support Installation & Updates: openproject configure: mod_perl is already running, too late for PerlSwitches (Project: OpenProject)updated on 06/27/2016 07:45 AMWhen I run openproject configure on OS: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS to get the latest update using the packaged installation I ge...
created on 06/26/2016 06:27 AMThis was a known bug and the issue has seemingly been fixed in the latest version: -
updated on 06/26/2016 06:27 AMUsing: OpenProject 5.0.17 (Mysql2)
On the wiki when editing pages the editor buttons like bold, underline, and lists are...
Plugins: Meetings plugin: minor issue, closing meeting agenda copies all text into minutes (Project: OpenProject)updated on 05/31/2016 09:39 AMOpening a meeting is probably something that should never really needed to be done, but in my case I wanted to copy out ...
Plugins: Meetings plugin: minor issue, closing meeting agenda copies all text into minutes (Project: OpenProject)created on 05/31/2016 09:21 AMOpening a meeting is probably something that should never really needed to be done, but in my case I wanted to copy out ...
General discussion: Editor formatting tools(jstElements) not working in my local installation (Project: OpenProject)created on 05/24/2016 12:14 PMIn my OpenProject installation on Ubuntu 14.04.4 the formatting tools which appear above this text editor are not workin...