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Richard Vézina
Reported work packages: 1
created on 07/10/2015 08:08 PM
General discussion: RE: Why delivrable with subtask due date still set to a completed task with the latest due date... (Project: OpenProject)created on 07/09/2015 07:33 PMAlso, can’t change the status… So telling openproject that the task is finish is done by the progression pourcentage or ...
General discussion: Why delivrable with subtask due date still set to a completed task with the latest due date... (Project: OpenProject)updated on 07/09/2015 07:33 PMI notice that even if I set a given task to completed 100% without touching it due date which is still set to latter dat...
- The changes were retracted.
General discussion: Why delivrable with subtask due date still set to a completed task with the latest due date... (Project: OpenProject)created on 07/09/2015 07:27 PMI notice that even if I set a given task to completed 100% without touching it due date which is still set to latter dat...