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Jeremy W
Reported work packages: 0
created on 12/03/2014 06:17 PMWhile investigating a lack of email notifications when Work Packages are updated, I discovered that delayed_jobs needed ...
created on 11/04/2014 12:14 AMWell, I don’t know what caused this, but the problem went away after installing Apache and Passenger without any further...
updated on 11/04/2014 12:14 AMI recently upgraded to 4.0 on Ubuntu 12.04. I had one issue during the installation with a yanked gem that had to be ins...
- The changes were retracted.
created on 11/03/2014 04:42 PMI recently upgraded to 4.0 on Ubuntu 12.04. I had one issue during the installation with a yanked gem that had to be ins...
Support Installation & Updates: RE: Sprockets 2.2.2.backport2 causing problems with 3.0 to 4.0 migration (Project: OpenProject)created on 11/03/2014 04:10 PMThanks for the quick replies. I actually went the manual route, which seems to have worked.
Support Installation & Updates: Sprockets 2.2.2.backport2 causing problems with 3.0 to 4.0 migration (Project: OpenProject)updated on 11/03/2014 04:10 PMEverything has more or less gone okay until running the rake command, at which time I receive this error:
Could not find...- The changes were retracted.
Support Installation & Updates: Sprockets 2.2.2.backport2 causing problems with 3.0 to 4.0 migration (Project: OpenProject)created on 10/31/2014 11:20 PMEverything has more or less gone okay until running the rake command, at which time I receive this error:
Could not find...