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Having some problems with the installation
Added by Javier Fernandez over 11 years ago
I followed the instructions to install (./setup.rb --without postgres
) and after few errors with few gems missing, bundler says that the bundle is complete.
After that I see the following lines:
==> Creating database ==> Something went wrong :( ==> Installation aborted.
And that was it :(
Any help on how to proceed next? what can i check to make it working?
I have renamed the database.yml.example as database.yml and this is its content:
# MySQL (default setup). production: adapter: mysql2 database: openproject host: localhost username: root password: "1234" encoding: utf8 development: adapter: mysql2 database: openproject_development host: localhost username: root password: "1234" encoding: utf8 # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake". # Do not set this db to the same as development or production. test: adapter: mysql2 database: openproject_test host: localhost username: root password: "1234" encoding: utf8
Replies (12)
Hi Javier,
it looks like you’re using the wrong database credentials. Make sure the MySQL user ‘root’ with password ‘1234’ exists.
You should find a related error in the log file: ‘log/development.log’
I took the liberty to reformat the question.
I am also rather sure that setup.rb is currently not supported properly. You should stick to manual installation, that way you will also be presented with the proper error messages.
I was informed that you are using the rails-2 branch. Please, ignore my comment. The setup.rb should serve you well there.
Thanks guys and hope you can bear with my newbie questions.
So Martin, how do you know I use the rails-2 branch? I was following more or less the quick installation guide and to be honest, I didn’t install Rails. I installed Ruby from package manager.
And then second question, maybe for Christian, how do I make sure that the user is created in MySql? I installed the MySql server, but how to I create a root account there?
Sorry if those questions sound very basic.
For the rails3-branch (which is currently not stable), the setup.rb was configured to fail w/ another message:
Considering MySQL, depending on where you got your database instance from, there might already be a user preconfigured. Otherwise, depending on your MySQL version you can learn about account management in their documentation [1]
I was looking at the database user creation and found that you can set the password for root user by typing “mysql -u root -p”
I did so and requested the password for root. It worked and all seems to be ok in mysql, but still when I try again the installation fails in the same place.
Any idea what can be wrong? I cant see anything in the /openproject-master/log/ only a file containing a default directory for uploaded files
You can confirm there is a database running on your machine, and that there is a user root w/ the password “1234”, without quotes? And your database.yml hasn’t changed since above? What version of MySQL are you using? And what environment (OS, version) do you test this in?
sorry for late reply.
I checked that mysql database is running in the machine, For that I restarted it with
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
After that mysql seems to be running just fine.
mysql stop/waiting mysql start/running, process 7648
When trying again same command…same result, no can do.
And as said yesterday there is a root user with the correct password
The mysql version is the followin
$ mysql -v Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 36 Server version: 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 (Ubuntu)
And I am running Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit
What happens when you simply do a
$ rake db:create db:migrate
in the project folder?Hi and thanks for bear with me.
After I ran rake which I had to install (maybe needs to be added at the top of the installation guide, where requirements are), it complained a lot about not having a git repository and other things but at the end it went through.
After that I ran again the same command and this time succeded, but now I have no clue how to launch the service.
I know I may be a pain in the … but I would love to help, maybe as testing the instalation instructions that are very confusing. Let me please know how can I help.
P.D. following the instructions it never said to install rails, but at some point it complains about not being installed, so maybe that should also go to the top where requirements are specified. Again, please let me know if I can help in any way.
P.D.1 Do you guys hang in some irc channel?
You’ll have to help us out with actual error messages. When exactly does it say there is no rails installed? You should just need the right version of ruby and the bundler gem installed, which then in turn installs the rest of the dependencies.