Download Links and Ethos?
Added by andrew scott almost 11 years ago
I am wanting to use this software in my Software Engineering class. However your website is really confusing. Why do you not provide accessible download links in the download section? Instead you link to a git hub site with what looks like a random collection of development folders. Why is your site so professional yet your download methods so obtuse and why are the links to the download area burred so deep in your main page? To be honest as first I thought your website was a commercial scam, you know the ones that spoof themselves as open source projects, but expect users to pay, I thought that because of the register feature and the elusive download.
Please don’t take this as me being rude, it’s my poor attempt at constructive criticism. I’m sure there is a valid reason you site is the way it is, it’s just not maade very clear anywhere on you site. I also think it may be useful for you to know what your visitors think.
I notice no mention anywhere of Windows. We would like to use this on our Windows and Linux desktops. If it is not supported on Windows say so clearly. Where are the installers, where are the RPMs etc… I’m totally confused by your approach. You have a good development team, why did no one write an installer?
Recently (I cant member where from) I downloaded somthing called OpenProj by Serena and installed in on my Windows Box. I mistakenly thought that this software and yours was one and the same thing. What’s the relationship between this and that?
Yours Faithfully
Replies (1)
Hello Andrew,
i’am no Openproject-developer but maybe i can clearify the situation.
OpenProject is no desctop-application but an web-application (particaly based on ruby).
Therefor you can’t get an rpm nor an download for a windows/linux-package that you can execute.
You have to setup a webserver to use it. The process is descibed here in the wiki under installation.
For testing you can also use the build in webserver of ruby (that the way descibed).
In the end you could use it in webbrower and it will look like the page you found here.
The OpenProj you metioned is a totaly different approach and a seperate software-project.
Have a closer look to “ProjectLibre” formerly “OpenProj” if you looking for a executable application.
With Best Regards