Added by Mika Lahti about 8 years ago
Google did not return much on Forcefully loading so could someone open up this “Forcefully loading” message and what I should actually do to fix this:
openproject@8451:~/openproject-ce$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake jobs:workoff Forcefully loading the application. Use :environment to avoid eager loading. /home/openproject/openproject-ce/app/seeders/random_data/work_package_seeder.rb:84: warning: key :user is duplicated and overwritten on line 87 [Worker(xx)] Starting job worker [Worker(xx)] No more jobs available. Exiting
Emails are sent out fine and I get no actual errors. These seem to be only warnings but the downside is that I’m getting a new email for openproject user every time cron runs the workoff.
My 2nd question is about that “key :user is duplicated”. How to fix that? That or similar seemed to be on many other persons postings as well but the posts itself did not actually asses exactly those messages as they concerned something else.