Added by Andrea Consadori over 8 years ago
i came from bitnami install, i export manually the sql and the yml file as described in manual backup guide.
Then i install debian package version of openproject 6.0 and restore the db.
once i run openproject run bundle exec rake db:migrate it fails with
“Mysql2::Error: Table ‘announcements’ already exists: CREATE TABLE `announcements` (`id` int(11) auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `text` text, `show_until` date, `active` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `created_at` datetime, `updated_at` datetime) ENGINE=InnoDB”
openproject run bundle exec rake db:seed
You have 21 pending migrations:
20121114100641 AggregatedAnnouncementsMigrations
20141215104802 MigrateAttachmentsToCarrierWave
20150116095004 PatchCorruptAttachments
20150623151337 HideMailByDefault
20150629075221 AddScmTypeToRepositories
20150716133712 AddUniqueIndexOnJournals
20150716163704 RemoveFilesystemRepositories
20150729145732 AddStorageInformationToRepository
20150819143300 UnderscoreScmSettings
20150820133700 DenullifyDisplaySums
20150827133700 RemoveProjectHomepage
20151005113102 RemoveSummaryFromProject
20151028063433 BoolearlizeBoolCustomValues
20151116110245 FixCustomizableBoolValues
20160125143638 IndexMemberRolesInheritedFrom
20160419103544 AddAttributeVisibilityToTypes
20160503150449 AddIndexesForLatestActivity
20160504064737 AddIndexForLatestMeetingActivity
20160504070128 AddIndexForLatestCostActivity
20160726090624 AddSlugToWikiPages
20160803094931 WikiMenuTitlesToSlug
Run `rake db:migrate` to update your database then try again.
what’s the correct path to fix it?