Added by mab internet about 9 years ago
I have been trying to configure Subversion (with configuration.yml) to be able to manage the repositories form OpenProject 5.0.13 but I still do not have good results. The link to repository integration guide on the site of OpenProject is broken, but I found it somewhere else. I am wondering if this functionality is really active in OpenProject 5 or not.
This is the configuration I set in config/configuration.yml:
client_command: /usr/bin/svn
manages: /home/openproject50dev/openproject/repositories/svn
The path for the repositories is owned by the user openproject50dev, the subversion version I have is 1.6.17, I tried with Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04. I have a manual installation of OpenProject.
When I want to create a repository for a project I only see the option Existing Subversion repository to link an existing repository. I also tried some settings in System settings | Repositories. Am I missing something in the configuration?
Replies (4)
is only read upon server startup. Did you restart the application server after changing the configuration?The rest looks good, it should show you the ‘managed’ option in the Project settings > Repository tab.
For good measure, you can also whether the configuration is parsed correctly by running the following command
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails runner "puts OpenProject::Configuration['scm']['subversion']"
It should output the hash:
{"manages"=>"/home/openproject50dev/...", ...}
BTW: The repository integration guide is available here:
Please let me know which link was invalid so we can fix it, thanks!
Thank you very much for the help. I found the problem and OpenProject is now working with Subversion.
I was getting an error (“undefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)”) with:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails runner “puts OpenProject::Configuration[‘scm’][‘subversion’]”
Then I used a online YAML validator and found errors in my configuration.yml due to blank spaces.
My configuration file looks like this after correcting errors (without commented text):
rails_force_ssl: false
session_store: :cache_store
disable_password_choice: false
email_delivery_method: “smtp”
smtp_address: “”
smtp_port: 25
smtp_authentication: :plain
smtp_domain: ‘’
smtp_user_name: ‘myaccount’
smtp_password: ‘password’
client_command: /usr/bin/svn
manages: /home/openproject50dev/openproject/repositories/svn
rails_cache_store: :memcache
Regarding the broken link
On this page:
Repository Integration
The broken link to “repository integration guide” points to:
Thanks again Oliver
Yeah, YAML is a whiny child regarding whitespaces. I’ll think about if we can validate the YAML ourselves during startup without much effort.
Thanks for the follow up on the incorrect link, I’ll have that fixed.
mab internet wrote:
This is still not pointing to an existing page.