installing the redmine_bugherd plugin
Added by Paul Groeneweg over 9 years ago
I am trying to install the Redmine_Bugherd plugin ( on our openproject-ce installation, but without luck.
First I tried the default, placed a refernce in Gemfile.plugins, but as there is no Gemfile it gives the errror ( bundle install ):
=> Could not find gem ‘redmine_bugherd (>= 0) ruby’ in (at master).
=> Source does not contain any versions of ‘redmine_bugherd (>= 0) ruby’.
Then I added the plugin in the old plugins folder lib/plugins of openproject.
I tried to install the plugin with redmine_bugherd:install:migrations but it fails.
=> Don’t know how to build task ‘redmine_bugherd:install:migrations’
I tried rake db:migrate (sudo openproject-ce run rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production)
This gives an error “LoadError: cannot load such file — redmine”.
So I editted redmine_bugherd/init.rb and commented changed require redmine to redmine/plugin ( also tried to comment the line ).
Both made the db migrations work and I got a link on the /admin/plugins screen.
The link however gives a fatal error with the following in the logs.
=> ActionView::Template::Error (Missing partial settings/bugherd_settings with
=> {:locale=>[:en, :de, :fr, :nl], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :rabl, :rjs]}. Searched in:
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-global_roles/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-help_link/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-my_project_page/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-documents/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-costs/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-reporting/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-meeting/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-pdf_export/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/vendored-plugins/openproject-backlogs/app/views”
- “/opt/openproject-ce/app/views”
The /lib/plugins/redmine_bugherd folder is missing in this path list, but that might be because I did not install the plugin correct?
I have no experience with Ruby programming, so hope anyone can help me.
Maybe it is only a small piece I am missing to get it running or am I trying something impossible here?