How to get working 2 different Open Project installations on the same server
Added by v s over 9 years ago
Hi all,
I have managed to install Open Project on a server and it’s working fairly well; so far, so good (although I somewhat struggled with LDAP authentication to say the least, but that’s another story :p ).
The problem is that in my company, each project must really remain independent from the others, and the fact that some settings in Open Project affect the whole installation (hence every project managed by Open project) and can not be set individually per project is definitely an issue for us ( Custom fields for instance).
Obviously I could just install Open project on another server, but in terms of resources consumed overall (a second OS, Apache Web server, MySQL DB, and so on …), that’s far from being an ideal situation.
So I would like to know is that’s possible to have 2 different setups of Open Project working properly on the same physical server (or Virtual Machine, it doesn’t matter) and if so, how should I proceed?
Thank you in advance for helping me.
Replies (1)
i was able to run openproject on the same apache like some other stuff by doing that:
Modifying /etc/apache2/ports.conf:
Also modify /etc/apache2/sites-available/openproject.conf
Include /etc/openproject/addons/apache2/includes/server/*.conf
After that openproject was available on port 81, while the rest of the stuff was available on default port 80.
So i guess that could help you with the apache configuration. Add several virtual hosts for the openproject installations and apache should work. The openproject config ./conf.d/database allows you to use several databases so that should also work. Hopefully i could help you.