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Validating the Architectural Components?
Added by Toby Chaloner over 9 years ago
I have a dirty Ubuntu system and am unable to install OpenProject onto it. I have attempted the packaged and Manual installation. I now have a core dump being reported in the Apache2 logs, so I assume I need to validate each component is operating correctly bottom up, to find the miscreant.
Is there information on the architectural components of OpenProject and how to validate that they are working.
So far I can see
MySQL (1 database)
Ruby (1+ processes?)
I have had Redmine working on the machine, which could cause Passenger conflicts.
Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty 64bits
Any suggestions…?
Replies (1)
I succeeded by returning to a backup taken prior to installing Redmine and OpenProject, then following the manual installation.
However the Ubuntu apache2 passenger.conf needed the PassengerRoot changing to the value emitted by running passenger-config —root when logged in as openproject. This was
PassengerRoot /home/openproject/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/gems/passenger-5.0.13
Also the installation instructions assume that a JavaScript runtime is present. As root I had to run
apt-get install nodejs. Following a service apache2 reload. OpenProject appeared in the firefox browser.