[SOLVED] community edition subversion issues (and probable pull request)
Added by AJ SA almost 10 years ago
Last February I installed two OpenProjects instances for two large “multi-projects” I am managing for two institutions.
I chose your openproject-ce on Ubuntu 14.04 OpenStack instances. I configured openproject-ce serving thru HTTPS
A week ago the teams of one of them finally started developing code and so I activate the subversion built-in support.
I discovered that subversion is served as WEBDAV https thru https://server/svn/projectid
We started testing checking, commits, etc. All well.
But we have got stuck at tagging and branching.
I read a lot about it and discovered that there must be additional directives in svn_dav.conf for managing three issues:
1) O (n) svn COPY operations due to authorization/locking tree crawling.
This is referenced in:
With a workaround as these directives in /svn location
SetEnvIf Request_Method COPY method_is_copy
RequestHeader set Depth 0 env=method_is_copy
Or an alternative for Apache >2.4 as
RequestHeader set Depth 0
2) COPY WEBDAV about locking
Here you can see:
The problem is that the “If:” header is sent in some place in the chain
No idea how to resolv it!
3) Finally it seems that tagging / branching operations thru COPY thru HTTPS needs another directive
In the github openproject repositories the file: doc/
says that the following directive must be added
RequestHeader edit Destination ^https: http: early
But doen’t work in community edition
I have tried several combinations, no success, no tagging
My question is: Have you seen those issues before?
Any tips?
Replies (3)
Resolved !!!!
In the file
you need to put this directive inside <Location /svn>
SVNPathAuthz off
and then reload apache
The info is referenced in
All in all OpenProject is a fork of a fork of Redmine
Furthermore it is advisable to put another one:
LimitXMLRequestBody 0
for heavy load subversion commits
Can somebody explain this to addon-svn-dav maintainer Cyril Rohr
I do not know how to prepare a pull request.
I have learnt how to do a pull request
Finally, you also need another directive for large updates in subversion 1.8.x (a part of the community edition distribution)
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