New development with Work Package issues
Added by Kendell Welch over 9 years ago
So, I’ve been fighting with this for over two weeks. I can install OpenProject just fine (Debian 7.8 this time around, OP using the Packaged installer.) Everything works fine, except when I log in to my account (which is Administrator) I get an Internal Error when creating Work Packages. Just today I had another user log in, I made him an Administrator, and added him to the project. He can create Work Packages just fine. Same browser and everything (Chrome…also tried IE.) We noticed that my username has a “.” in it (I’m using LDAP authentication) so we had another user whose username does not have a “.”, and he can’t create Work Packages either.
I’m thinking this must be some permissions thing, but for the life of me I can’t figure out what. Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance!
Replies (22)
Some additional information that we discovered today:
While my and one other user’s accounts cannot create Work Packages (both are Administrator) one other user and the built-in admin account can.
Further, when the two accounts that work create a Work Package, the can assign it to themselves, but not to either of the accounts that do not work. however, after initially saving the Work Package, the can go back in to its settings and assign it to any account on the system.
Weird. Seems like it must be some sort of permissions thing or something. All four users are using the exact same browser (Chrome) and Operating system (Windows 7.) I can log in as myself and not be able to create a Work Package, then log out and log in as the admin and I can create them.
Hello Kendell,
can you mention which OpenProject version you are using and which (if any) plugins you have installed?
Since you mention the LDAP authentication: There used to be an error relating to login via LDAP which was however addressed in OpenProject 4.0.2:
I’m not sure which version I have. I’ve attempted to determine that, but can’t find it documented anywhere. As for the login issue you referenced, I and my users are able to log in fine.
I simply used the Packaged Installer…I presume that installed the current stable version, whatever that is.
Hello Kendell,
thanks for your answer.
You can see the OpenProject version you installed by navigating to Modules (header) > Administration > Information (left side, bottom entry).
The reason I asked for the plugin is since there are two different packager installation: The core edition (plain vanilla without plugins) and the community editions (with plugins).
It is the Community Edition. I could not get the packaged installer for the plain-old OpenProject to work (apt-get could not find the package.) Plus, I want some of the features in Community Edition, such as costing.
The weird thing is that the installation works fine for some users, but not others.
OpenProject 4.0.10 (Mysql2)
Hi Kendell,
please provide us the logs so we can try to figure out what is going on. The logs are located under
. Or try to analyse these logs by yourself and inform us what you find out.This is realy a very odd problem and we need the logs to figure out what is going on.
Hi Karsten. Thanks for responding!
Yes, this is a very odd problem.
I used the packaged installer. I tried doing an installation using the manual method…that didn’t work at all (yes, I followed it line by line.)
Which logs do you want specifically? I know of worker-1.log, and web-1.log. There are several other logs in there, but I’m not sure which you want to see. I can send them all if you want.
Hi Kendell,
for now the
should be enough. Please make sure to reproduce the error before pasting the log (logrotate is probably running and we have to be sure the error is in the new log too). If you can find the error by yourself feel free to only paste the relevant parts of the log.Cheers,
Thank you so much for responding! Any help here is appreciated, as I need this to work, but am at a complete loss.
I just reproduced the issue, and am attaching the production.log file. Haven’t really even looked through it yet, but will.
Interesting. SMTP-AUTH error? I had never looked in the production.log…maybe that’s been my problem all along.
yap email setting. Can you please run
openproject-ce run check
.What is the output. You can also disable notification for your account and try to create a work package. If that is working we are on a good path to narrow down your issue.
Here’s my configuration.yml - not sure how to edit it exactly as I don’t know where these environment variables are coming from.
rails_cache_store: <%= ENV.fetch(‘RAILS_CACHE_STORE’) { :memcache }.to_sym %>
session_store: <%= ENV.fetch(‘SESSION_STORE’) { :cache_store }.to_sym %>
email_delivery_method: <%= ENV.fetch(‘EMAIL_DELIVERY_METHOD’) { :sendmail } %>
smtp_address: <%= ENV[‘SMTP_HOST’] %>
smtp_port: <%= ENV.fetch(‘SMTP_PORT’) { 25 }.to_i %>
smtp_domain: <%= ENV.fetch(‘SMTP_DOMAIN’) { ENV[‘HOSTNAME’] } %>
smtp_authentication: <%= ENV.fetch(‘SMTP_AUTHENTICATION’) { :login }.to_sym %>
smtp_user_name: <%= ENV[‘SMTP_USERNAME’] %>
smtp_password: <%= ENV[‘SMTP_PASSWORD’] %>
attachments_storage_path: <%= ENV.fetch(‘ATTACHMENTS_STORAGE_PATH’) { “/var/db/_APP_NAME_/files” } %>
Disabled all email notifications on my account…no dice. Still get the error when creating a Work Package.
" sudo openproject-ce run check" returns this:
[ok] MySQL configuration is working
[ok] Web server is running
[ok] openproject server is running
[ok] openproject background job worker is running
sending test email using SMTP…
/opt/openproject-ce/vendor/ruby-2.1.5/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/smtp.rb:969:in `check_auth_response’: 504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type (Net::SMTPAuthenticationError)
from /opt/openproject-ce/vendor/ruby-2.1.5/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/smtp.rb:740:in `auth_plain’
from /opt/openproject-ce/vendor/ruby-2.1.5/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/smtp.rb:732:in `authenticate’
from /opt/openproject-ce/vendor/ruby-2.1.5/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/smtp.rb:567:in `do_start’
from /opt/openproject-ce/vendor/ruby-2.1.5/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/smtp.rb:520:in `start’
from /opt/openproject-ce/vendor/ruby-2.1.5/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/smtp.rb:457:in `start’
from /opt/openproject-ce/packaging/scripts/send-test-email:34:in `
[ko] unable to send test email to
I’ve never had this problem with SMTP relay with other software…using Exchange 2010.
Run the following commands and everything should be fine
Unfortunately, no (and I’m on openproject-ce, but that was easy enough to adjust.)
Still get the error. Here is what is in production.log:
Completed 200 OK in 122.8ms (Views: 89.5ms | ActiveRecord: 6.8ms)
Rendered api/experimental/work_packages/index.api.rabl (14.2ms)
Completed 200 OK in 2073.8ms (Views: 47.4ms | ActiveRecord: 6.0ms)
Started POST “/projects/sourcfd/work_packages” for at 2015-05-19 11:15:52 –0500
Processing by WorkPackagesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {“utf8”=>“✓”, “authenticity_token”=>“NMiGIAIj6c+3SPe9XsBKMI1x8nUEYofLzh4+HM3of/c=”, “work_package”=>{“type_id”=>“2”, “subject”=>“testing 987”, “parent_id”=>“”, “description”=>“This is a test”, “status_id”=>“1”, “priority_id”=>“2”, “assigned_to_id”=>“”, “responsible_id”=>“”, “start_date”=>“”, “due_date”=>“”, “estimated_hours”=>“”, “done_ratio”=>“0”, “remaining_hours”=>“”}, “attachments”=>{“1”=>{“description”=>“”}}, “send_notification”=>“1”, “commit”=>“Create”, “project_id”=>“sourcfd”}
Rendered user_mailer/_issue_details.html.erb (7.3ms)
Rendered user_mailer/work_package_added.html.erb within layouts/user_mailer (15.5ms)
Rendered user_mailer/_issue_details.text.erb (3.7ms)
Rendered user_mailer/work_package_added.text.erb within layouts/user_mailer (7.6ms)
Sent mail to (11.9ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 265.7ms
ArgumentError (wrong authentication type none):
app/models/work_package_observer.rb:38:in `block in after_create’
app/models/work_package_observer.rb:37:in `each’
app/models/work_package_observer.rb:37:in `after_create’
app/controllers/work_packages_controller.rb:144:in `create’
I thank you so much for helping with this!
Hi Kendell,
I think I know what the problem is. Unfortunately I have to go now. I will give a answer later. For the meantime you can try to run
openproject-ce reconfigure
to fix things. You maybe need some information (mysql password etc.) located at/etc/openproject-ce
.Good luck,
Excellent. Thank you so much for your help! I will try that, and look forward to your future post.
Hi Kendell,
did you try the reconfigure? Do you remember to execute the
openproject-ce configure
command after the installation?Regards,
I didn’t get a chance yesterday. Will try this afternoon.