OP on Debian Wheez Vserver
Added by Don Sefer almost 10 years ago
hello ladies and gentleman,
with great interest I read about this software and decided to give it a try, for personal use only! With 2 fellow students I was looking for a software to handle our B.Sc. project…
Now I ran into several problems… First I wanted to setup OpenProject-CE in an virtual machine running debian… the download speed is horrible slow (40kbit/s) and I received errors after finishing the download (incomplete package, yay)…
Ok, I have an vserver running (2vCore, 2gb guarenteed ram, 50gb) and installed the package via package manager. The setup wasn’t a problem at all for me (generated a ssl certificate before) and setup “everything”…
Now the following problems and questions are left open:
1. What are standard passwords for databases, users and other things (mysql, apache server….) preconfigured through the package? It felt like my server was a cheese after the setup, open for everyone…
2. I was able to reach the website via “” but the domain within the address bar was something like “”. How can I change this behavior?
3. I want to use nginx because I planned to setup an etherpad, too. I would like my OpenProject being reachable via “”. Is it possible to manage that?
I hope you can help me with my questions. Excuse my grammar mistakes please!
best regards
Replies (15)
Is this community and support dead? :(
I am very disappointed that the documentation is that bad and I can’t help myself at the moment because I am a beginner…
To number 2: the url was
I guess there is something wrong!
To the nginx part… Today I was trying to setup v4 with nginx but failed. I don’t want to use nginx and apache side-by-side to be honest…
Is there anyone who can help and is willing to help with an install with nginx? There are a lot of users who would like to receive help with the same topic as far as I found out using google…
The only tutorial I found is using OP 3.0 and even then I wasn’t able to get it to run properly and not everything is explained.
Hi Don,
great to hear that you want to use our software. And sorry that you had to wait so long.
To answer your questions:
1. To see what passwords etc are used you can type
sudo openproject-ce config
. That gives you a list of all environment variables used by the packaged based installation. And via those environment variable the passwords etc are set. To understand the outlook let’s look at one line of the output I got:DATABASE\_URL=mysql2://openproject\_ce:qI9RXgpSL9DMiSqVRXV4fdxi89izSYqX@\_ce
This means that the user openproject_ce with the password qI9RXgpSL9DMiSqVRXV4fdxi89izSYqX connects on port 3306 with the mysql database openproject_ce. Does that help you?
2. That is a redirect because you are not logged in. I see that it does not seem to make sense when you are redirected to the same page. But if you would try to go to a private project without being logged in you would also be redirected. And this redirect would ensure that you are redirected to the correct project after you log in. So I do not think this is but. :)
3. Both, nginx and the subdirectory is possible. But I think you would have to do a lot do switch the package based installation to this. Probably the steps you had to take would add up to the same amount you would do when following the manual installation. So if you would like to run OpenProject with nginx and in a subdirectory I would recommend the manual installation. If you run into any problems with this we are happy to help you.
I hope I could help you a bit.
Hi Jonas,
thanks for your answer!
I tried to follow the Manual Installation Guide up to Apache and stopped there.
From that point on I tried to follow the “guide” here
But I cannot get it to run… I receive an error when trying to access the webpage… My installation is maybe a mess somehow. But since there is no guide how to install it with nginx I tried with playing a bit… Maybe you could help me out with the nginx installation part?
cannot load such file — bundler/setup (LoadError)
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require’
/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require’
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/loader_shared_helpers.rb:278:in `block in run_load_path_setup_code’
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/loader_shared_helpers.rb:381:in `running_bundler’
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/loader_shared_helpers.rb:276:in `run_load_path_setup_code’
/usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:99:in `preload_app’
/usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:157:in `module:App’
/usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:29:in `module:PhusionPassenger’
/usr/share/passenger/helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb:28:in `
I also tried to install the openproject-ce package on my virtual machine (in state nearly as my server)… But the installation failed because I have a different mysql root password set (the install won’t prompt for the password, it just aborts) …
This is my current server config with which I have to work with!!!
- Etherpad-Lite
- nginx-full
- node.js ( compiled and installed
- iptables / fail2ban
- mysql installed and configured
I have to work with this config. I think I can’t play with the node.js installation because I don’t know if etherpad would work. But I guess I can still work with nodeenv as an additional installation…
I can play around with nginx because I am just using a config to access the pad via instead of
Best regards
Ok, got it working…
I noted down what I did… Would need someone to verify this procedure before I post the guide to the public… Or should I just post it? I used the manual setup until the apache part and then went on with nginx playing…
EDIT: Do I have to restart the server or something if I edit config/configuration.yml later on? I tried to get mail to work but I always end up with the following error:
Error occurred while trying to send an email (Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 25).
Could you help me out with sendmail? Do I have to install any additional package to use the sendmail feature and how should a valid configuration.yml look like? I know .yml is very sensitive…
EDIT2: after editing config/configuration.yml and touching the restart.txt, the whole server crashed and OP wasn’t working anymore… I always ended up with the message “not enough memory…” so I had to restart my whole virtual server :/
Hi Don,
I just wanted to say: nice to hear your success message. But then I read that things didn’t turn out so well in the end. Sorry to hear that. What’s your status now?
Could you just paste here, what you did to get OpenProject running with Nginx? Then I can have a look at it. Or even better, describe your system (e.g. Ubuntu?) and everything you’ve done. Well, everything you’ve done to install OpenProject ;)
And I can also have a look at sendmail when we are at this point :)
Hi Jonas,
my system pre-installation was: Debian Wheezy
Software running: btsync, etherpad, node.js compiled from source, nginx from repo, iptables, fail2ban …
Do I always have to restart the server using “touch ~/openproject/tmp/restart.txt” ?? First time it worked. Last time it crashed. Maybe the reason was that 2 people at once tried to access openproject during the restart? I always ended up with the message “not enough memory allocated” when logging in with the user “openproject” …
When trying to send a testmail using the OP-feature: (Connection refused - connect(2) for “localhost” port 25).
Thats why I thought I should give sendmail a try. I don’t need to use an external provider at all because it’s just info mails from OP, isn’t it?
This is my Guide (note that smtp wasn’t working)
Were you able to test this setup?
Could you provide help setting up postfix for email delivery?
I know there are many guides, but I thought postfix would be enough. But now I read about SASL, dovecot and other stuff…
I just want simple mail from server to s1 working (for openproject). No need to fetch mails from others…
I am more or less new to all this stuff. Most of the time I am able to “fix” things by myself or get stuff working, but this email thing is a pain :(
Hi Don,
I’ve read your messages but unfortunately, I did not find the time to answer you. Today is also really busy. I hope I can have a look at your questions tomorrow.
I’m sorry for the delay,
Hey Jonas,
thats okay! I just want to get everything running :) Biggest problem is passenger at the moment (I made a seperate thread for this issue). I guess I need a better server, but I will wait for your reply. Maybe I have to order something “bigger” … The server mentioned is just 1 euro per year for students. Was good as long it lasted to get into the whole server thing, but things need more power obviously :) this overselling openvz stuff is bad … Needs to be in my students price range, not easy to find serious offers hosted in my location. But I will take a look for something as soon as I have some more information from your side!
best regards
Hi Don,
concerning your problems with sending mails: I just tried it with postfix. Just run
apt-get install postfix
. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what I chose in the installation menus but I configured my/etc/postfix/
like this (didn’t change much after the installation):I hope that helps.
You can test your postfix configuration with
The last dot closes the mail.
Do any other problems still persist?
And I will have a look at your installation manual the next days. Maybe we can add this to our official manuals.
I guess I have to find out how to configure sendmail first… There are several options and I should ask my provider I guess…
But I will wait for my new server. Unfortunately I have to start from zero as it seems since there is no real backup option for OP (manual setup). At least the guy in another thread is saying that… But as long as I don’t have a stable setup I won’t waste more time with that :) Give me a week or two and I will report if I got everything working!
Hi Don,
it should be possible to send a mail just from your server, without registering at Google or anything. It just might get into the spam folder. But maybe that would be ok for setting.
And this backup guide should work:
Alright, backup worked in my virtual machine!
One thing you SHOULD note in this guide is, that the password for the mysql-database user MUST be the same as the one on the source server! Otherwise the RAILS-restore WONT WORK! EDIT: I meant restore, the RAILS-restore
EDIT: Do you know how to put this in a cronjob? Especially the “RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake backup:database:create” part is what I worry about. I have to be logged in as the user openproject for this, don’t I?
EDIT2: I installed postfix via apt-get, created the config file with the configuration above (changed certs)
Following appears
by using /usr/lib/sendmail manually I receive the following error after entering everything
EDIT: FIXED script-backup
EDIT2: The only thing I don’t understand is, why is the mysql dump exactly the same as the RAILS_* dump?