Added by T K about 10 years ago
I do:
wget qO | sudo apt-key add -
echo “deb wheezy stable” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openproject
and i cant find this package cannot install it seems there is no package by that name…
anyone can tell me what i should do?
best regards
Replies (7)
Hello again,
Anyone? Is this community is alive? There is no packet by that name even if i search by apt-cache search … as You can see above i’ve added to apt sources.
It would be nice to install this from ready deb and gets updates from apt
let me know what can be wrong
could you please give us some more information about what you are doing. Especially I’m wondering why you can not install/find the package. The echo “deb …” command should add the necessary repository to your apt sources. So please retry and paste the output of the commands here. Hopefully then I will be able to help.
If T K does not give more information, here is my bug report:
this is the second time, my server fails to download from using apt.
First time was the installation of 4.0.2.
When it times out, I use the given debug text to download manually using wget and install the package by hand.
maybe there is something wrong and “T K” is having the same problems:
maybe that helps?
Indeed, fetching packages via is broken - at least with the documented procedure .
The referenced package location are either empty or don’t exist:
Somebody better fixes this…
Hi all,
to Jörg Delker: Is it possible that you are on a 32-Bit OS? Unfortunately, we do not support 32-Bit.
to T Küchel: That seems to be a general problem with apt-get. Could you try the following?:
sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*
and then
sudo apt-get update
I got this solution here .
Indeed, that was with a 32-bit host.
Never mind… I didn’t notice that restriction.
Jonas Heinrich (Finn) wrote:
sorry for not replying.
Did not do the “rm /var/lib..” check, but I’m pretty sure that was not the problem.
Anyway, too late now: The newest update to “4.0.7-1424257492.85aab49.trusty” worked flawlessly using aptitude full-upgrade.
this thread could be marked “solved”…