Can't load assets (No route matches...) / Can't install in subdir
Added by Christian H. almost 10 years ago
I’m running into two presumably related issues (Debian Wheezy + Apache 2).
First of all, OpenProject doesn’t load any assets, e.g. no CSS, JS…
Log: “ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] ”/public/assets/application-9b53b6a020f93159e2f1f7e031bc9570.js“):”
The files do exist. An older thread suggested turning on “config.serve_static_assets = true” in /config/environments/production.rb. Didn’t change anything. And yes, I ran “RAILS_ENV=”production" bundle exec rake assets:precompile".
My second issue is that when I try to access the installation via “” (via Apache Alias), I wind up w/ a 403 and “Directory index forbidden by Options directive:”. The same works (at least sorta, see issue above) when using “”… only that I don’t have a wildcard-cert for subdomains.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Replies (1)
As for your second issue - I guess this is not possible using Apache Aliases (at least I failed)
These instructions helped me in the end: