Installation on a hosted platform and or a Synology device
Added by Gabi Cavaller over 10 years ago
Dear All,
This is my first time posting on here, so please be gentle.
I found open project ages ago, but was unable to use it for the company I worked for, since then I have started my own business and now wish to use it for the obvious reasons.
I’ve gone through the documentation, and had a search on the forum.
I’d like to know if there has been a streamlined approach to install OpenProject on shared hosting?
I remember a few years ago where they said that openproject/magento/sugarCRM would not be possible, but they are all available now.
Additionally to that, have any of you installed this and got it running on a Synology device? The installs seem to be more focused on full OS’s.
If anyone could shed any light, I would be most grateful, as I would have around 100 clients that could use this, and would rather this be hosted on the cloud, linked to their websites and back to their AD if possible, instead of being hosted locally.
Any feedback really appreciated.
Best wishes,
Replies (9)
I have exactly the same desire. Has anyone gone through the steps to install this on Synology DSM 5.0
It is the near perfect platform for this - a powerful NAS that is already always on! Great for small offices.
My point exactly.
A lot of businesses don’t want full blown servers, but something like a smart NAS such as a Synology, where they backup data too, and is always on makes perfect sense.
Any update on this would be superb.
Our hosting company is not really helpful when it comes to products for shared hosting however, if it was a VPS they would obviously we would not need them then ;)
An update on this would be superb.
Thanks for adding to this Owen.
I’m away on vacation till the middle of the month but am going to give this a try when I get back. There is nothing in the technology stack that shouldn’t run on Synology’s DSM v5
i would be also very much interested in your experiences installing open project on a synology
Is there an update on this?
Would be superb.
Very interesting threat! I also would like to use open project on a synology device or on a hosted server.
By the way: “is there a SaaS planed?”.
We’re very interested too. We like to install OpenProject on a Synology rackstation 812+.
Any hints welcome f.e. how to install Ruby on rails an OpenProject on a Synology.
I have installed OpenProject on the smallest Amazon Web Service Server. I think that server costs $3 a week.
The instructions are here
If you do not know how to create an Ubuntu server on AWS, their EC2 instructions are very good, it takes 10 minutes to get a server going.
You will need Putty to connect to it and puttygen to create the login(Auth) file.
The first step to port this webapp on the DS would be to check
I own a Synology but would also consider porting to QNAP, both are reliable for the ones that do not have purchased hardware yet