Added by Tim Tielens over 10 years ago
I also got ssl_tls mailing working on port 465 on exchange 2010
I was trying to set up authenticated mail through port 465, and edited the configuration.yml file.
When is was unable to get some results, I changed the file back to default settings.
But the mail system won’t work…
It used to work with these settings:
default: email_delivery_method: :smtp smtp_address: #IPADDRESS# smtp_port: 25 session_store: :cookie_store development: email_delivery_method: :letter_opener test: email_delivery_method: :test production: session_store: :cache_store
I’ve restarted httpd / postfix / the whole server,…. but i can’t get the mail system to work again…
Are there any other files or things I should look at ?
Does openproject use postfix uberhaupt ?
Kind Regards
Replies (4)
anyone got some useful commands to troubleshoot the mailing system ?
Hi Tim,
first of all we need the stack you are using to operate OpenProject. Do you installed it by yourself manually or did you use the packaged version of OpenProject?
Whatever the case is it is important to restart the application server if you change code (including the configuration.yml). So if you are using passenger it might be sufficient to only restart apache but if you are using unicorn for example you have to restart it.
Your question regarding postfix is a little odd because OpenProject tries to talk to the smtp server you configured (smtp_address). So if you configured OpenProject to use a mail server which happens to be a postfix mail server everything should be fine. OpenProject just tries to hand over emails via the configured smtp regardless which kind of mail server is used.
What do you think?
Hi Karsten,
I did a manual install on centos and mysql.
Like i said, i changed some settings in the configuration.yml and the mail system stops working.
(even when setting everything back to normal)
Also when rebooting the server or apache, there is no change.
The reason why i asked about postfix is the following.
I don’t know how openproject works in the background.
Does it send directly to the configured exchange server, or does openproject rely on postfix to handle the mail and communicate with exchange. (relay)
Found the problem…
I had selected to not alert my user when making changes.
Under Administration -> Users
What I didn’t know is that this affects the option “send test email” under the menu administration -> Mail.
I deselected the option “I don’t want to be notified of changes that I make myself” and everything works again…
Very strange ;-)