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SOLVED - Mail Setup - SSL SMTP Ubuntu
Added by Samuele Facco about 10 years ago
Hi all,
I just installed OpenProject on a new Ubuntu server. Everything seems to work fine, but I cannot send email: I have to configure SSL on SMTP but I cannot find anything in documentation. Could you please tell me where can I find a list of options to use and how to set them?
Thanks for your help,
Replies (4)
I also tried creating a gmail test mailbox, because i found more documentation about it, and this is mine
and now I got this error:
An error occurred while sending mail (534-5.7.14 < )
Have you got some suggestion for me? :-)
PS: I already unlocked “unsafe” application in gmail security
If I change port to 465 I got this error in firefox ….
Running out of ideas…
I think you should try changing the authentication mode to login.
You can do it be using this commad:
openproject config:set SMTP_AUTHENTICATION=login
And do not forget to restart the app server by:
service openproject restart
Hopefully that fixes your problem.
Thankfully I found the solution yesterday … I simply had to use low-case characters for values in environment variables, so ‘plain’ instead of PLAIN … damn case-sensitive-os :-)
Thanks anyway for the support.