Debian install of 4.0.1 success; next: Plugins, how to install them?
Added by Chris Base over 10 years ago
I’m new to OpenProject, and have just installed 4.0.1 on Debian using the package.
I can confirm it works, but did run into some problems:
- services/daemons were not restarted. Solution:
echo “exit 0” > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- Cron and sudo were missing in my Debian barebone install, solution (as root):
apt-get install cron sudo
The biggest problem was that the installer didn’t ask for my MySQL root password (which resulted in the error: “[mysql] ./bin/postinstall Can’t find the root password to create the MySQL database”). I had to edit /usr/share/openproject/installer/addons/mysql/bin/postinstall and change ‘root_password’ to my MySQL password to make it work (would still like to know how to fix this properly).
After that, the instructions worked fine.
Now I’m trying to install plugins, but cannot find how to proceed. speaks of a ‘Gemfile.plugin’ file, but it is unclear where this file is to be placed.
Other sites mention a file ‘Gemfile.plugins’ (note ‘plugins’ instead of ‘plugin’), which should reside at ~/openproject (which I believe is not applicable to a installation). Furthermore, the ‘bundle’, ‘bower’ and ‘node’ commands are not in the path, and I’m uncertain how to proceed.
- Is it possible to install plugins when using a installation, and if so, how?
- If still applicable, where is the Gemfile.plugin/plugins located, and what is the right name?
Replies (3)
Hello Chris,
thanks for your post.
Yes, you are right: The reference to the Gemfile.plugins is quite unclear at this location.
Currently, the packager installation does not officially support the use of plugins.
We recommend manually installing OpenProject when you plan to install plugins. To use plugins with the manual installation you need to create a file called “Gemfile.plugins” in your OpenProject root directory.
You can find detailed instruction for the manual installation here: Manual installation.
While the use of plugins isn’t officially supported for the packager installation (yet), some users have managed to add plugins to their packager installation.
For more information, please refer here:
Detailled information can also be found on the OpenProject packager site.
Best regards,
Hi Robin,
Robin Wagner wrote:
It would be good to put this up on the website to people that have to decide on the installation procedure which way to go.
One might/should state “Plugins and Themes” are not officially supported in this installation path, not only “Plugins”
Also, while this is not possible, could someone state for the newbie, how to “switch” from the Installation to a manual installation. Surely this is possible
I did a flawless install up to a production site in a weekend with no ruby/rails knowledge at all!
A Big: Thank you and OPF for the great piece of software and good documentation.
Cheers, Tobias
Hi Tobias,
thanks a lot! :)
Great to hear that the installation worked!
Thanks for the suggestions. We will adjust the website accordingly.
Regarding the use of plugins for the packager installation: We are working on a packager version which will include the plugins.