DalliError No Server Availiable
Added by John Jones about 10 years ago
After a new install of CentOS 6.0
I ran the packaged installation and received no errors:
First I log in as root
Second run the services
service mysqld start
service httpd start
service openproject start
Third open firefox:
The web page opens and try to log in. I receive an error 403 No Auth Ticket.
I run from terminal openproject logs —tail and repeat
the the log produces the following
Connecting to database specified by DATABASE_URL failed (count: 0)
DalliError: No server available failed (count: 1) is down
Just to check if its a firewall issue I shutdown the firewall and repeated the process with the same results.
Anyone know how to fix this issues?
Replies (1)
For anyone who has this issue on a fresh install of CentOS 6.
log in as root.
yum install memcached
You need this to be properly install prior to starting httpd
after its installed correctly
service memchached start
service mysqld start
service openproject start
service httpd restart
afterwards I was able to goto my home pages on the server and log in as admin/admin.