trouble initializing documents with git repo in new openproject 2.4 installation
Added by Wil Gleasman almost 11 years ago
Hi all,
First off I want to say, thanks for this great web app!
Now to my issue: I’ve successfully gotten 2.4 installed and running on my server using nginx, passenger, postgres, etc… So far in testing it everything works except for setting up the SCM documents module in a test project. I plan on primarily using Git. In my live openproject app, in a test project, I go to project settings -> documents; using the dropdown to select Git, a brief loading symbol appears then nothing and the dropdown goes back to the default blank.
I’m guessing it might have something to do with the user that the app is running under (nginx)… I double checked and mod_passenger is running under the user “nginx” as I intentionally set it up to.
Modifying config/configuration.yml -> scm_git_command: {my absolute git binary path}
doesn’t help
…and running
sudo rake test:scm:setup:create_dir
sudo rake test:scm:setup:git
works fine…
Any suggestions? Am I missing something simple?
Replies (1)
Any help here?