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could not find sprockets-2.2.2.backport2 in any of the sources error installing 4.0
Added by Andrei Diamandi about 10 years ago
I am installing 4.0 in an Ubuntu 14.04 64/bits VM (VirtualBox), 4 GB RAM/8 GB hdd following the “Tutorial: Step By Step Installation of OpenProject 4.0 with Apache on Debian 7.7 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS”. Everything fine until “6. Install OpenProject” when “bundle install” outputs " Could not find sprockets-2.2.2.backport2 in any of the sources“. I have tried the suggestions from ”SPROCKETS 2.2.2.BACKPORT2 CAUSING PROBLEMS WITH 3.0 TO 4.0 MIGRATION" but none worked. Am I the first experiencing this error ? :)
Replies (4)
Hi Andrei,
I made this step by step for centos, and i also encountered this error.
Maybe you can convert the command to debian. (think its the same though)
Check under Upgrade to 4.0
An answer can also be found in here…
Hi Andrei, hi Tim,
we will release OpenProject 4.0.1 today which should fix this problem.
Quick update:
OpenProject 4.0.1 has been released which fixes this problem: News.
The installation error was caused by a discontinued sprocket version.
Sorry for any inconvenience.