Added by Ahmed F over 10 years ago
I have 2 questions please :+1:
1. When I clik on delete user, the user is still there.
2. The LDAP authentication does not work, but when I click on “test” it says connexion successfull.
any idea please?
Thank you very much
Replies (5)
Question 1: You likely have to start the delayed job from terminal as mentioned in the reply from the following post:
Question 2: I had a similar issue but it was a while ago. It is either the baseDN or the attributes that need to be modified. It will depend on your LDAP configuration. Here is what I have for my attributes:
Login: uid
First name: givenName
Last name: sn
Email: mail
If you are testing with a user you already created in your OpenProject install, be sure to go into that user’s settings and change their authentication mode to whatever you named the LDAP config. Don’t do this on your only admin account as you could lock yourself out. Good luck!
Hi Chris and thanks for your reply.
Ok now I can login with my AD credentials.
But I can’t use the following commands:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec script/delayed_job start
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec script/delayed_job stop
It says -bash: bundle: command not found
Maybe because I have version 3.0.1?
How can I update the application? Any link please?
Thank you,
Make sure U use that command in -> cd ~/openproject
And use: RAILS_ENV=“production” bundle exec script/delayed_job start
A full update guide is here:
thanks for your help but still the same, my path is /home/openproject/openproject and there I taped the command but still says bash:bundle:command not found
The commands are…
su - openproject -c “bash -l”
cd ~/openproject
RAILS_ENV=“production” bundle exec script/delayed_job start