Added by Taras Zakharko over 10 years ago
Dear all,
I have attempted to run the current release/4.0 branch, but I keep running into the issue that seems to be related to jQuery (same happens on the dev branch)
In short, everything works, but running assets:precompile in production results in
Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn’t find file ‘jquery’ (in /Users/Shared/openproject1/app/assets/javascripts/application.js.erb:13)
I can then launch OpenProjects via Apache and Passenger and also via rails server, but all I get is html with broken layout.
If I run in development environment, I get tons of
Warning. Error encountered while saving cache 5d9b91cdc8207e6fc4fab93a8e7c38a8aa868887/_mixins.sassc: can’t dump anonymous class #Class:0x007fae13270858
and the website renders an error message
File to import not found or unreadable: css/jquery.atwho.
As I have no idea about Rails, I am absolutely clueless what the issue is and how to fix it.
Hope to get some assistance!
P.S. Running on OS X 10.10 with RVM, ruby 2.1.3p242, rails 3.2.19
Replies (4)
Ok, it turns out that I didn’t realise that bower was a requirement now. Running it solved everything.
Thanks anyway!
Hi Taras,
thanks for your post.
Yes, you’re right: OpenProject 4.0 requires npm and bower.
We just officially released OP 4.0. Please refer to the news and the installation guidelines for detailed information.
Taras you say that running bower solved it… but what do you mean by running it? I did bower install and still get the same error
Oops forget it… I tried it so many times…finally worked! maybe wrong order of commands