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Problem install Openproject 3 in Centos 6 with Plesk 11.5
Added by David Tello Sanchez over 10 years ago
Hello .
I am trying to install 3.0 on a VPS Openproject Centos 6 managed with Plesk 11.5 panel.
Following the installation manual for Postgres Centos and am installing OpenProject problem .
Specifically , in step 4 when I indicate the " bundle install " command, the following error occurs :
bash-4.1$ bundle install Fetching source index from Using rake 10.3.2 Using i18n 0.6.8 Using multi_json 1.8.2 Using activesupport 3.2.19 Using builder 3.0.4 Using activemodel 3.2.19 Using erubis 2.7.0 Using journey 1.0.4 Using rack 1.4.5 Using rack-cache 1.2 Using rack-test 0.6.2 Using hike 1.2.3 Using tilt 1.4.1 Using sprockets 2.2.2 Using actionpack 3.2.19 Using mime-types 1.25.1 Using polyglot 0.3.3 Using treetop 1.4.15 Using mail 2.5.4 Using actionmailer 3.2.19 Using arel 3.0.3 Using tzinfo 0.3.38 Using activerecord 3.2.19 Using activerecord-tableless 1.3.3 Using activeresource 3.2.19 Using acts_as_list 0.2.0 Using addressable 2.3.4 Using awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/vhosts/userhome/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/debug_inspector-0.0.2/ An error occurred while installing debug_inspector (0.0.2), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install debug_inspector -v '0.0.2'` succeeds before bundling.
I have no knowledge in ruby on rails . I do not know how to solve this error.
Please help .
Replies (1)
The error seems to be a system error to do with the security setup.
It looks like you are installing the app in
which will be owned by www-data or some other user group, so if you are installing the app as the “openproject” user
you will get permission problems.
check the permissions on the directories.