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[Solved] Internal error with cost plugins
Added by Carlos R Laguna about 10 years ago
UPDATE: It work after i run RAILS_ENV=“production” bundle exec rake assets:precompile, now everything is ok. Thanks for the help
I sucefully install openproject 3.0.13 in ubuntu 14.04 production enviorement using puma and nginx with mariadb but aftert install the cost plugins i got “Internal error” every time that i open any project.
Instaled plugins
OpenProject Costs
OpenProject Plugins
An OpenProject plugin to create cost reports
OpenProject Translations
using ES locales
any help will be great. Regards
Replies (3)
Hi Carlos,
does the list of plugins above reflect the order in your Gemfile.plugins?
There is a known error that putting the costs plugin below certain other plugins (especially backlogs) may cause an internal error:
If this should not resolve the problem, could you please create a bug report in the Bug Backlog
Please include information regarding the version of OpenProject you are using, the plugins you have installed and the exact steps you take to cause this error.
You can follow the guideline on reporting a bug.
Thanks for the reply, this is how look my Gemfile.plugins right now.
gem “openproject-plugins”, :git => “”, :branch => “stable”
gem “openproject-pdf_export”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
gem “openproject-costs”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
gem “pdf-inspector”, “~>1.0.0”, :group => :test
gem “reporting_engine”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
gem “openproject-reporting”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
gem “openproject-translations”, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
gem “openproject-backlogs”, git: “”, :branch => “stable”
and it seem that it not solve the problem. Should i report a bug, there is a way the more debug from the app? Thanks for your time and regards.
EDIT. Backlog plugins it wasn’t installed until now that you mention it.
Hi Carlos,
yes it would be great if you could open a bug report as described above.
I had a very quick look at it with the list of plugins you provided and I could go to different projects without any problems. (I tested it in development mode, though).