Added by Johannes Keppler over 10 years ago
I try to install openproject since a few days and I get stuck erverytime at the mysql Configuration.
I strong keep whith the Install-Instruction for Windows.
At the Point ‘Setup databases according to instruction in the manual. (I followed the Ubuntu Steps)*’ I’m lost.
HOW do I setup up the Database at the Windows-Console without any mysql-tools?! Where are they? How to Setup?
Everything ran fine due this Point…
If I install a Third-Party-Tool to Setup the DB, there is no MySQL-Server to be found.
What do I wrong? I’m very frustrated…
Thanks for help…
Best, Syn
Replies (8)
I’m at exactly the same point with the same problem. This is way too complicated for me, managed all the other steps but now have no clue what to do next. Surely there is an installation package for non techies to use? Actually just read that the other person who logged this problem did so 18 days ago and no replies, so I’m giving up. Just not worth the headache.
Hi Linda,
so because there is no Answer we switched to LibreProject.
Easier Installation, more Features, better Usabilitiy…
If you want to try OpenProject any longer, I handeled this Problem by installing first a WAMP-Server.
There’s an mysql-server included and I used this one to install the DB.
But after this, a lot of Problems came along. After four weeks of trying and a lot frustration the OpenProject runs - for about 3 hours.
I transferd a Project and had a lot of Problems with the Functions and the Usability. So I installed LibreProject and I’m happy (and my Boss, too :-) )…
I have the same issue with Windows installation. Documentation is lacking at the point of the following:
Modify database.yml and config.yml according to instruction in the manual. (I followed the Ubuntu Steps)
Setup databases according to instruction in the manual. (I followed the Ubuntu Steps)*.
After doing such, the command to run “bundle exec rake db:create:all” returns an error unable to connect to database…etc.
Everything was going smoothly until this point in the documentation for the windows installation, so after much frustration and no answer here other than to try a different application, II guess I must resort to that until further notice on a fix or update on the installation documentation.
Hi Doug
I am not sure what operating system you are using is it windows and your translating the ubuntu instructions ?
I have the same issue with Windows installation
I followed the Ubuntu Steps
which are here -
These MYSQL instructions only create the production DB so you should only update database.yml for production and delete the rest
Make sure you have changed the “my_password” to a real password or have decided to use “my_password” as your password
Your database.yml should look like (again the password needs to be updated)
comment out the dev and test entries or the install will fail.
I am installing on windows and using the instruction per the OP web site documentation on Windows Install.
The instruction indicate to use Ubuntu at the following stage of the installation:
There is nothing to indicate that MySQL has been installed on the machine, only that the MySQL connector has installed the mysql2 gem. Is there missing information indicating I need to do a separate MySQL installation?
Is there an issue if I am logged into Windows as a non Admin users?
If it doesn’t seem obvious, you must have an instance of MySQL server running on localhost. Of course you still need to access MySQL server to be able to run any commands such as CREATE USER, etc.
I simply went into the MySQL Command Line Client and did a CREATE DATABASE, CREATE USER, GRANT ALL and FLUSH directly in MySQL.
Proceeding from there:+
bundle exec rake db:create:all
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
Proceeding from there:
bundle update
Proceeding from there:
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Proceeding from there:
set Rails_ENV=production
Proceeding from there:
bundle exec rails server
Proceeding from there:+
I navigate to localhost:3000
I finally have the Rails Server running and listening on However, when I navigate to the localhost:3000 I receive the following:
Hi Doug
Well done so far
You will also have to modify the way static assets are managed in the production.rb file to run prod using rails.
change false to true.
If you decide to run prod in apache, you need to change this back to false and precompile the static assets.
Also try to run the rake commands specifically for prod.
The specific prod commands I use are
Please make sure the generate secret token works, the approach has just recently changed and you now have to edit the secrets.yml file in later rails versions.
the precompile command when running under apache is below but I think the error is a reaction to the incorrect production.rb file setting for how to serve the static assets.
Thanks for a reply Brandon,
RE: config.serve_static_assets=true - As per instruction on Windows Installation, I had previously changed config.serve_static_assets = true ALSO OF NOTE: your directory structure is different than mine. Mine is as follows: ..Sites\openproject\config\environments\production.rb WHEREAS YOURS is as follows ..\openproject\openproject\config\environments\production.rb
RE: Running the Commands - as per your direction, when I do, the commands are not recognized. I tried doing this with the rake assets:precompile command many times yesterday without success. See what was returned when I ran the commands as per your direction:
RE: Making sure the secret token works - How will I know if the secret token works. there is no documentation in the installation instruction or elsewhere, describing how I would know if the secret token is working.
Thanks Brandon…