Completed the installation but http://ip/ shows just files and folders. No default page or dashboard.
Added by Leo Prince about 10 years ago
Hello Team,
OpenProject is a good package and I have installed in my server.
cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
CentOS + cPanel.
The installation went fine and I followed the “OpenProject” doc as below
Everything looks fine while installation but when I call with IP I get’s folder indexes only. No default page. Please see the contents of my “public” folder.
[/openproject/public]# ls/openproject/public]#
./ ../ 404.html 422.html 500.html assets/ favicon.ico javascripts/
This is the same I am getting when calling the IP via browser. Is this normal, how can I get the openproject dashboard to start the projects. I am attaching what my browser shows.
Thanks for your valuable advise. Please feel free to let me know if I have missed any steps of installation.
Leo Prince.
Replies (2)
You can get this error when apache/passenger is not configured correctly. The host and conf and modules files are not set up correctly.
You will see errors in your apache log file which should indicate this.
check the
file, the passenger module number changes regularly. It will not be passenger-4.0.37
any more, it is up to 4.0.50 I think - check what you installed (it was in the last paragraph of the output from running
passenger-install-apache2-module or it is in the gems directory if ou want to check the module directly)
I setup apache with slight differences to the instructions you have followed. My instructions are attached in the link below in a message about half way down. I also configure the security differently. You might want to try this approach.
Thanks Brenden… It’s working now.
Fix: The path entered for the Apache module was wrong. Corrected it and Ruby as well as passenger worked just fine.
Default credentials are working great..
Thank you for your support.