open project not available after plugin installation
Added by Miralem Cebic over 10 years ago
Hi guys,
I’m using a Ubuntu VM Server. 14.04
I was installing OP from this Tut:
After Installation OP was accessible via www.myWebSite.tld:8080/
But there where no Plugins or something else. So I decided to install some plugins.
Ofter FTP I navigate to /opt/openproject and there I generate a Gemfile.plugins(1) file.
At this Link:
I found a Plugin Installation Instruction:
So I stopped OP via console and
followed these instructions.
sudo apt-get install -y git
sudo openproject run bundle install —no-deployment
sudo openproject run rake db:migrate
sudo openproject run rake assets:precompile
sudo service openproject restart
everything seems fine to me.
Console told me “openproject start/running”
But when I navigate to www.myWebSite.tld:8080/ my Browser is loading/and loading. loading never ends.
I tried to ping, but no response :/
Does Anyone know what is wrong with my OP instance?
The Gemfile looks like:
gem “openproject-plugins”, :git => “”, :branch => “stable”
gem ‘openproject-pdf_export’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
#gem “openproject-auto_project”, :git => “”, :branch => ‘stable’
gem “openproject-meeting”, :git => “”, :branch => “stable”
gem “openproject-backlogs”, :git => “”, :branch => ‘stable’
gem ‘openproject-costs’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
#gem “openproject-ensure_project_hierarchy”, :git => “”, :branch => ‘stable’
gem ‘openproject-documents’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
gem ‘openproject-my_project_page’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
gem ‘reporting_engine’, :git => ‘’, :branch => ‘stable’
Replies (1)
have you checked the log files
You can find logs at /var/log/openproject/.