Added by Anton Grinchik 4 months ago
Good afternoon! I am contacting you again to draw your attention and possibly speed up the process of consideration of the application, which was formed 2 months ago and has still remained unanswered.
I, like another specialist, had difficulties in solving the problem after installing the salck plugin
The plugin is installed without problems, but after installation when you try to use it on the specified path /admin/settings/plugin/openproject_slack
I get an error [Error 500] An error occurred on the page you were trying to access. If you continue to experience problems, please contact your OpenProject administrator for assistance.
A similar problem is considered here: R=19020
Please help me solve this problem.
Replies (4)
Hi it seems the plugin is outdated. I have updated it to bring it in line with OpenProject 15.1:
15.1 will be released next week on Wednesday. Please try updating OpenProject then and trying with the (by then probably) updated plugin.
Thank you very much! Because I didn't know at all how to link the slack notification with OpenProject.
I checked the plugin, it works perfectly. Thank you very much! You helped me out.
Glad to hear that. Thanks for the feedback. You're very welcome!