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OpenProject - Slack Integration Issue
Added by Mohamed Elmeselmany 6 months ago
I am currently experiencing issues connecting OpenProject to Slack. Below are the steps I followed:
1. Creating Gemfile.plugins:
group :opf_plugins do
gem "openproject-slack", git: "", branch: "dev"
2. Creating Dockerfile:
FROM openproject/openproject:14 AS plugin
# If installing a local plugin (using `path:` in the `Gemfile.plugins` above),
# you will have to copy the plugin code into the container here and use the
# path inside of the container. For example, for `/app/vendor/plugins/openproject-slack`:
# COPY /path/to/my/local/openproject-slack /app/vendor/plugins/openproject-slack
COPY Gemfile.plugins /app/
# If the plugin uses any external NPM dependencies, install them here.
# RUN npm add <package-name>*
RUN bundle config unset deployment && bundle install && bundle config set deployment 'true'
RUN ./docker/prod/setup/
FROM openproject/openproject:14-slim
COPY --from=plugin /usr/bin/git /usr/bin/git
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/vendor/bundle /app/vendor/bundle
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/public/assets /app/public/assets
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/config/frontend_assets.manifest.json /app/config/frontend_assets.manifest.json
COPY --chown=$APP_USER:$APP_USER --from=plugin /app/Gemfile.* /app/
3. Using Docker Build:
docker build --pull -t openproject-with-slack.1 . --no-cache
4. Removing Old Containers:
docker image prune --all
5. Running OpenProject:
docker-compose up -d
While attempting to use the Slack plugin at `/admin/settings/plugin/openproject_slack`, I encountered the following error:
[Error 500] An error occurred on the page you were trying to access. If you continue to experience problems, please contact your OpenProject administrator for assistance.
I haven't found any logs that indicate the root cause of the issue. I would appreciate your support.
Replies (1)
ERROR -- : [f9158abc-bec9-4132-9d9f-cd0cffff9bc0] user=5 unknown attribute 'regex' for ProjectCustomField.: unknown attribute 'regex' for ProjectCustomField