Added by Seth Deegan 7 months ago
I have deployed openproject with the k8s helm chart. I have been upgrading openproject just by changing the openproject image version in the helm chart. At some point my database schema became wrong from upgrading from 12.3 to like 14 and I now get this error when going to the notifications page:
SELECT "notifications"."project\_id", COUNT(\*) FROM "notifica...
: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column notifications.project\_id does not exist
Should I delete the notifications table (which I'm okay with doing since this installation is relatively new)? Will the seeder container recreate it? Should I manually add the project_id column? Should I do something else?
I also noticed when the seeder container ran it gave the warning
The current schema version is 20240820123011, but the one in the schema cache file is 20240808133947
This probably is indicative of my problem. What's the proper procedure of upgrading a Helm installation of OpenProject? I don't see anything in the docs.