Added by Daniel Elkeles 8 months ago
We are trying to transfer our instance from a docker-compose install to kubernetes / helm-chart. The documentation on restoring does not mention the helm-install and we are unsure of how to import the DB-dump into the postgres-pod(s). Do you have any suggestions and if so, would it make sense to add this to the documentation?
Replies (1)
Hi Daniel,
Restoring helm chart is almost the same as restoring the backup for docker compose.
First step would be to install OpenProject on Kubernetes.
After that you can use the docker compose steps but would need to use the kubectl instead of docker-compose command.
So you would stop the web and worker container first:
After that you can drop the existing database:
this command will ask you for the password of the postgres user if you don't know it you should be able to get it with this command:
Now you can recreate the database:
Now copy the openproject.sql to the postgres container:
Then you can open the database console:
Here we use the openproject user so you need to use a different password this can be found here:
In the database console you need to add the following commands:
Now you can run the helm upgrade command again this will that start the seeder to migrate the database:
Best regards