Added by Piotr F 10 months ago
Hi, running VPS, 14.0.1 Community Ed.,
Ubuntu 22.04,
PostgreSQL 13.15
After the update which seems to work, meaning binaries with 14.0.2 are downloaded,
all the usual update goes fine,
at the end nothing to update, all clear, also in Webmin nothing to update,
but Admin > Information shows still Vulnerable, 14.0.1
Verified via
openproject run bundle exec rake version
still 14.0.1
Anybody any clues?
Replies (6)
Javier Valero: I have the same problem. Therefore, when i try to update to OP14.1 there is not candidate to upgrade. Qhat happen?
Piotr F wrote:
I also am experiencing this problem after trying to upgrade from 14.0.1 to 14.1. seems to only show 14.0.2 for stable/14 if I am reading correctly, but the Information page remains at 14.0.1.
Enterprise on-prem user, Ubuntu 20.04
Same with me, enterprise on prem on RHEL8.
I tried to install 14.1 this morning from the official packages, but only 14.0.2 was available and shows as 14.0.1 in information section.
Daniel Grabowski wrote:
Exactly same thing in the console.
Piotr F wrote:
Try again now. I noticed when checking this morning that was updated with 14.1 builds in stable/14, and now running the upgrade commands, things are working normally.
Sure, now all works fine.