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Pls help! Cannot upgrade OpenProject
Added by Anton IT 10 months ago
Hi all,
I am facing problems with Openproject upgrade from v 10.6 to 13. It is a Bitnami packaged version. I follow the instructions I've found in the Internet :
- psql dump (on the old)
- psql dump restore (on the new)
- copy files
- I run $ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production -> and on this step something wrong is going on with Ruby so I can not log in to the new instance , moreover if I enter rails console I can not see any users. So all the old users disappear after this step.
What could be the problem?
DB connection is ok; file permissions are the same as on the old machine; no errors are shown while migrating.
One of the instructions I've found:
Replies (1)
Anton IT wrote:
You should check the compatibility of the OpenProject version you are upgrading to (v13) with the Ruby version you are using. There may be some incompatibilities or dependencies that need to be resolved.