Added by john shepard about 1 year ago
Hi OpenProject Team
Thank you for this Wonderful piece of Open Source Software!
I have an on premise installation on Kubernetes running at the moment. I use the following Docker image: ""
I am not sure if the Installation Guide is wrong or if i misconfigured something, i appreciate the input:
In the Installation Guide for Docker (, it says you should generate a random key and implement the "OPENPROJECT_SECRET_KEY_BASE" Variable in Production.
I set the "OPENPROJECT_SECRET_KEY_BASE" = xxxxxx Variable via Kubernetes Secrets. In the deployed OpenProject Container it looks like this:
env | grep -i secret_key_base
When i check via Rails Console what Secret Key is active, it looks like this:
bundle exec rails console
I, [2023-11-03T22:05:19.286132 #317] INFO -- : Using schema cache file /app/db/schema_cache.yml
Loading production environment (Rails 7.0.7)
irb(main):001:0> Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base
That looks wrong to me, as i understand it the Rails Secret key base should not be "OVERWRITE_ME" anymore.
What went wrong here?