Added by Hein Blöd about 2 years ago
I have a fresh install Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS with the latest Community Edition and try to configure OpenProject. I want to use the sendmail-option for the notifications. But there are no emails incoming, also the testmail is missing. I think the fault is the wrong path to sendmail, but I don't know the right path. Though to my knowledge-level "using installer", please give me a hint to solve this problem.
database: PASSED Schema version: 20221122072857 (0.003s)
default: PASSED Application is running (0.000s)
delayed_jobs_backed_up: PASSED Delayed Jobs with priority lower than '0' at reasonable level (0) (0.007s) (OPTIONAL)
delayed_jobs_never_ran: PASSED All previous jobs have completed within the past 5 minutes. (0.001s)
mail: FAILED ActionMailer::Base at localhost:25 is not accepting connections: 'localhost is not accepting connections on port 25: Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 25' (0.004s)
puma: PASSED Backlog ok (0.000s) (OPTIONAL)
Replies (2)
Approaching solution...
The installation guide contains no details about sendmail. It should be described, that if you want to use sendmail, sendmail has to be installed manually. I have expected that would have been done already by using the DEB/RPM-package.
After install, sendmail fails ongoing. No logs created. Health check below:
Hi, i have the same issuee. I would like to known if the only think that i have to do is install sendmail or also i have to configured it. Now, i have configured my instance of openproject with mta office 365, but when i run health_checks/all i get:
My server is running with ubuntu 22.04 and openproject 13.1.2