[SOLVED] Backlog Plugin 500 Error
Added by Patrick _ over 10 years ago
First of all thank you for that great product! I have successfully installed an instance of openproject 3.0.8 on Ubuntu 12.04 with MySQL as the database. Additionally I installed the plugin backlog. I can see the plugin in the administration settings and access it’s settings. However when I try to access the backlog page in my project, I receive a 500 error. What could be a possible cause for it?
I run the instance under the rails server command as a daemon in production environment. I have successfully run the rake db migrate command with ruby env production. I cannot find any corresponding entry in the production.log (in fact nothing is written into it when I try to access the page). My Gemfile.plugins:
gem “openproject-plugins”, :git => “
it”, :branch => ‘stable’
gem ‘openproject-pdf_export’, :git => ‘
df_export.git’, :branch => ‘stable’
gem “openproject-backlogs”, :git => “
klogs.git”, :branch => ‘stable’
Thanks for any advice!
Replies (1)
I was able to resolve it, after reinstalling the entire software. I probably forgot to rerun assets precompile.