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Upgrade issue from all in on docker 11 to 12
Added by Sebastian Fohler over 1 year ago
Can someone help me with an upgrade issue?
I'm trying to do a all in one docker container upgrade from 11 to 12 and while I got the db migration done in the meanwhile, it get's stuck during the upgrade afterwards at this point:
== 20220831081937 MigrateTimestampsToWithTimezone: migrating ==================
-- execute("DO $$ DECLARE t record; BEGIN FOR t IN SELECT column_name, table_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = ANY (SELECT unnest(string_to_array(replace(setting, '\"$user\"', CURRENT_USER), ', ')) FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'search_path') AND data_type = 'timestamp without time zone' LOOP EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || t.table_name || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || t.column_name || ' TYPE timestamp with time zone USING ' || t.column_name || ' AT TIME ZONE ''UTC'''; END LOOP; END$$;")
I have no clue what to search for online, to figure out the cause the steps don't seem to be wrong, so I don't understand why it just stops there.