OpenProject Installation Docker Windows 2022 (Without Linux Subsystem)
Added by Claudio Ansaldi almost 2 years ago
Hello to all those who are willing to help,
I am currently trying to get OpenProject running via a Docker container on a Windows Server 2022 operating system.
I have already successfully completed the Docker installation.
I am not getting anywhere with the OpenProject installation.
I have tried to create and run a container with OpenProject using the following instructions.
Install OpenProject with Docker
Unfortunately, the syntax for the Docker commands is different on a Windows operating system than on a Linux based one.
Thus, I cannot proceed according to the instructions.
How can I get OpenProject running as a container on Windows Server 2022 without installing a Linux subsystem?
kind regards
Claudio Ansaldi
Replies (1)
for Linux Containers you have to install WSL.
Hope this helps