Added by Alain SANNA about 2 years ago
I run Open Project 12.1.6 on a Synology NAS with Docker.
How can I restore DataBase from SQL Backup generated by OpenProject fonctionnality ?
I can't find restore menu in administration menu (hoping it was on same page as backup)
Do i need to use bash ? And in this case, is there a documentation to do this.
Many thank's
Replies (2)
Hi Alain,
you will need to login to the terminal and use this documentation for docker-compose:
Good luck and kind regards.
Using Docker Container bash in Synology docker interface works for me !
First of all, use synology file station to create a folder <<Drive>> for exemple
Copy openproject.sql in that folder
Stop OpenProject container
Modify OpenProject container : add a mounted drive : browse <<Drive>> with <<DockerDrive>> name in container
Launch OpenProject container and wait OpenProject is running
Go to terminal tabs and add a bash
In this bash :
Give access to <<DockerDrive>> folder to everybody (especialy postgres)
change user to postgres : su postgres
launch psql
list postgres database : \l (should have a postgres database)
connect to postgres database : \c postgres (this is necessary to allow dropping openproject database)
Drop OpenProject database : DROP DATABASE openproject;
Create empty openproject database : CREATE DATABASE openproject OWNER openproject;
Grant acces to user postgres to openproject database : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openproject TO postgres
Connect to openproject database : \c openproject
Restaure the dump : \i /DockerDrive/openproject.sql